I'm Not a Villain

Start from the beginning

"Bakugo." She whispers. Damn, she can't even speak properly she must have been crying so much.

"Yeah?" I ask in the most gentle voice I can.

"Your hand," she says making me realize I still had my hand in her cheek.

"Oh- oh sorry," I stutter. I start to remove my hand before she grabs it putting it back on her cheek.

"No it's ok, leave it there." She whispers moving her hand leaving line on her cheek. "I'm glad you came this weekend." She adds.

She was? It felt weird, seeing her like this. Not yelling or fighting me. Her eyes weren't hiding a dark hatred, this time more of a dark sadness. I hated everyone who helped make her feel like this. I smile a little looking at, "Yeah I'm glad I came too."


"Yeah I'm glad I came too." The words me blush a little. The way he spoke. There was no sense of hatred. It wasn't like how we usually speak, we were speaking like normal people. No big just that, we were speaking like friends. I just wanted to stay here with him, with him here to comfort me without actually speaking.

Suddenly he removes his hand from my cheek his hands lighting up in fear, "Y/n run."

"Huh?" I say turning around to see what he's looking at. Behind me I see large blue flames heading down the side of the river. Frozen in my spot I try to move but it's like my body stopped working until I feel Bakugos hand wrap around my wrist pulling me up.

"C'mon we have to get the adults," he says running dragging me with him.

We sprint through the forest his hand still gripping my wrist. I can almost see the clearing to the path that will take us back before a large black monster jumps in the middle of the clearing. Bakugo steps up pushing me behind him, still gripping on to my hand.

"Stay right here and if you hear or see anything scream ok?" He says letting of my hand.

"Yeah got it," I assure him. He nods and walks up to the monster. I think I remember my uncle explaining them before, they were called Nomu I believe.

Bakugo approaches the nomu quick firing a blast right off at its stomach. The nomu takes a straight hit but I watch in shock as the stomach simply reappears.

"OH JUST DIE YOU STUPID MONSTER!" Bakugo yells throwing another blast.

Caught up in the fight in front of me I don't notice as a hand comes from behind me pulling me back.

"BAKU-!" I start to scream before the man covers my mouth.

As I'm being dragged I see Bakugo turn around and start to chase after me, "PINK EYES!"

The hand on my feels rough, as though it's all scared. It looks it too, the arm is purple, I recognize it as the villain the hero's called Dabi. So he must have been the one started the fire. Bakugo was still chasing me but it was hard since he had to deal with the Nomu chasing him as well.

I knew I had get out of this and thought back to how my uncle would teach me how to escape when bandages or something covered my mouth. In all cases he said to first try biting, and so I that's exactly what I did.

"Ow, what the fuck you little bitch." The man whines as I bite down hard. As he complains I throw a kick back knocking him away. I turn around facing him dodging as he sends blue flames at me. I didn't really need to defeat him but rather wait until the pros got here. They had surely heard the screams along with see the fire Bakugo and Dabi were creating.

"Get the fuck away from me," I warn staring the villain down.

"And what are you going to do, can you even fight," the villain laughs firing off another hit.

C'mon y/n just think of something. I heard Bakugo getting closer now, but Dabi was getting quicker with his attacks. I also heard the Nomu so even if Bakugo got here it'd be useless. I had to take care of him.

Think fast slow down my dodge letting Dabi hit just barely miss, making it look as though I got caught. "OW!" I yell faking my pain. I grab my arm falling to the ground letting Dabi come up to me. I lay if my back grabbing my arm
With my eyes closed.

"Oh well that was very fun," Dabi says looking over me.

I hear him start to lean down to pick me up and as he does I shoot open my eyes, "Stop." I command him and suddenly all emotion leaves his face.

"Sleep," I say getting up. Dabis body falls over and he lies there on his back.

"Y/N!" Bakugo yells as he gets closer to me.

"I'm here Bakugo!" I yell back standing over Dabi.

"Y/n! Where- oh you handled him." He says slightly impressed.

"Yeah what ever where's the Nomu?" I ask looking around.

"I hit him down, he'll be here soon though." Bakugo warns.

Almost on cue I hear the tortuous scream do Nomu as he approaches.

"So how do we beat this thing?" I ask.

"Blow his head off," Bakugo answers.

"Ok got it. Bakugo this time you stand back."

"Wait what no way, he's not human anymore you can't control him. Your quirk is useless against him."

I laugh a little, "yeah I would be, if controlling minds was my quirk."

Confused Baku stand there as I start to focus.the Nomu gets closer and I feel my head to hurt even more. It's working.

My head feels it's worse I look up to Nomu yelling, "AHHHHHHH!"

I fall to the ground because of the pain but not before I see the Nomus head explodeHim falling to the ground lifeless. Got him.

"Y/n holy shit, what did you do?" Bakugo asks helping me up.

"My quirk, it's not mind control. It's neurological manipulation. I control the brain cell count and the brain. So basically I gave him aneurism by exploding all his brain cells." I explain trying to stand. I try to get up but my knees feel weak probably from my last move.

"Damn that's not what I expected, oh shit y/n don't be stupid you'll hurt yourself." Bakugo responds catching me. "God you make me do everything," he says picking me up.

"Bakugo what are you doing?" I ask.

"Carrying you back what the fuck does it look like stupid." He laughs a little.

"Dick," I say smiling.

"Y/N, BAKUGO!" Bakugo turns to see the adults running towards us. Judging by the way they look and how long it took the time I find us, they also had to deal with Nomus.

"Oh thank god you're both ok." My uncle says running up to us.

My mother follows close behind saying, "Oh my god kids did you deal with these villains by yourself."

"Well Y/n did more than me." Bakugo says looking down to me in his arms.

"Is that true y/n?" My mom asks.

"Yeah mom I took them down, because-, because I'm not a villain." I answer weakly.

As I start to lose consciousness I hear my mom say, "No y/n you certainly aren't."

Pink Eyes (Bakugoxreader) Where stories live. Discover now