///Chapter 15///

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When Clay finally fell asleep after his long, thoughtful night. It was nearly morning. George always wanted to sleep in anyways, so Clay could get the rest he needed.

When George awoke, he saw Clay's arms tucked tightly around his waist. He looked at Clay's face to see light purple, bags under his eyes. He wondered if he had stayed up all night or something. George was fine with staying in bed for a couple more hours though.

He reached over to the night stand to stand, to grab his phone trying not to wake up Clay. He opened his phone and scrolled through Twitter. Liking meaningless tweets from celebrities, and YouTubers.
He was getting bored so he turned back to face Clay. He took in his every feature. He began to play with his blonde, curls. They were a mess but George loved them.

George shut his eyes once more, playing with Clay's hair. His mind kept going back to the dream he had the night before, the one that made him fear losing the one person he truly loved the most.

They where in the field of where they had first became an official couple. Clay was holding onto to George tightly as the laid in the soft grass. Beautiful flowers, swaying in the wind. The moonlight making George's pale skin glow.

"I love you George." Clay said sleepily.

"I love you too Clay." George reciprocated in a soft voice.

Clay played with the brunette's hair, and rubbing his back gently. When George was about to drift off into slumber, both boy's heard a noise from the woods surrounding the field.

"What was that?" George whispered.

"Probably nothing, probably a deer or something." Clay spoke reassuringly.

"O-okay..." George laid his head back down on Clay's chest. He was listening to the sound Clay's calming heartbeat.

The noise was heard again, only louder.

"Clay?" George looked up, as Clay sat up.

"I'll go look, stay here."

"No, no. Clay don't leave me. This is actually how horror movies end badly." He cried out, to Clay who was already on his feet.

George went to follow Clay, who was very much ahead. Clay turned a corner, leaving George behind, alone.


"Clay?! Where did you go?!"

No answer.

George walked a little further, into the thick growth of the forest.

"CLAY?!" George yelled more loudly.

George thought that maybe Clay had went back to the field. George retraced his steps and made his way back to the moonlit field.

George saw a figure laying down in the center of the field. George rushed towards it, hoping Clay was just waiting for him.

It was Clay. But George stopped in his tracks as soon as he saw the horror, of his beloved holding his abdomen. Blood everywhere. You could see a pool collecting, in the grass below him. George bent down to hold Clay. He began to sob widely.

"G-George?" Clay said barely able to say anything.

"Clay! What happened?!" Hot tears rolling down his face.

"I love you George..."

With those last words Clay laid limp in George's arms. Blood covering the both of them. George wailed loud enough to be heard for miles. The love of his life lay still.

"Good morning George." Clay's soft voice had ripped him, from reliving that nightmare. George went pale, and eyes widened.

"Are you okay, Georgie? You look sick?" Clay kissed the top of George's head, to feel that George was burning up.

"I'm- I'm fine." George said shakily.

"You are not. You are burning up. Here stay here, I'll get some Tylenol to help your fever." Clay got up out of bed and rushed to the bathroom cabinet, pulling out a small bottle of pills. He also grabbed a glass of water too.

He made his way back to George, and gave him the medicine. George really did feel sick, but he knew it was because of his dream. He didn't want to seem like a baby so he just didn't say anything.

"I love you so much Clay." George said huskily.

"Aw, I love you too. Just stay in bed. I'm going to go make some breakfast." Clay walked out smiling warmly at his boyfriend.

After about 20 minutes, Clay came into the room with a plate with toast, scrambled eggs, and some bacon.

George began to take a few bites, when he had the feeling he was about to throw up. He got up placing his plate down on the dresser, and ran towards the bathroom, releasing whatever he had ate. Clay was right behind him, comforting him, by rubbing circles into his back gently.

"Is my cooking that bad?" He joked.

"Probably." George said still sitting next to the toilet.

"Hey! I was joking." Clay made a fake pouting face.

"I think I might have just caught a bug or something."

"Why don't you go lay down again?" Clay lifted George up bridal style.

"Clayyyy! Put me downnn!" George giggled.

"No, I'm going to carry you to the room, because I'm just a good boyfriend." He smirked.

George rolled his eyes, as Clay placed him on the bed gently. He even tucked him in. What is he a toddler? Clay kissed George's cheek.

"I'll be in the living room, if you need anything just yell for me. Okay?" George nodded. He put his head on the soft pillow, his eyes already felt heavy, even though he had just slept. He started to fall into a deep sleep.

Clay was in the living room flicking through channel after channel. When he found something he was interested in, he grew less tense, because he felt worried for George.

A commercial came on, of course it was about wedding rings. That had just reminded him of George. Him getting on one knee and giving George a beautiful rock that would determine their future together. The thought of George's face lighting up, put a huge smile on Clay's face. He didn't want to rush it but, he wanted George to be his, all his.

Word Count: 1014 :)

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