"Pansy do you really have to leave?". I pretended to be upset that she was leaving. "I'm going to be out for a couple of days", she said while placing her stuff in her backpack.

"Fine but be careful and remember I need you here to help get ready for the ball". Pansy promised to help me get ready and I fully trusted her to do my makeup. There isn't much to do with my hair anymore.

Pansy put on her backpack and grabbed her camera off the desk. "I told you I will be here, plus I gotta make sure you look good for Max."She sent me a wink and I felt my face heat up. This made her laugh and I smiled awkwardly not sure what to make of her comment. "I saw you two kiss this morning."I bit my lip to stop myself from breaking into a wide smile but it was useless.

"I think it's time for you to leave." I throw a pillow at her and she dodged it. "Well take care."I pull her into a hug and walk her down to the living room. Pansy walks in front of the chimney and waved goodbye before walking into the fire and apperated to the Malfoy manor.

Jackson walks in with a book in hand and I quickly sneak up from behind and snatch it out of his hands,"hey give it back."I give it back. "What is so interesting about this book anyways?."Jackson shrugged his shoulders.

"Come and I'll read it for you."I agreed and we went up to his room. I took a seat on the couch and he layer comfortably on his bed. Jackson began to read and I started to get bored, so bored that I was fighting to keep myself away. I eventually gave up a little nap wouldn't hurt.

I wake up and find Jackson spread out on his bed dead asleep. I grab a blanket from the closet and cover him. I turn of the lantern and leave his room. I look at my watch and it's 9:58 pm. Wow I couldn't believe that I took a three hour nap.

I hear one of the door rooms open and I turn around and I'm pulled into a room. I look behind me to see Max, "ughh it's you."We laugh and I noticed papers all over the desk. They were drawing and my I was surprise of his hidden talent. My eye land on a drawing that looks similar to Zeus. "Is this who I think it is?."Max nodded and my jaw dropped, I'm pretty impressed with every detail he put in.

Max showed me every drawing and a story behind them. He had plenty of drawing of his sisters and brothers. In one of the drawing was Ryker and I smiled. I had almost forgotten had he looked like, I felt my eyes get watery so I placed it faced down. "You can have it if you want."

I smile at him. "Thank you but this belongs to you."

Max goes in his clothes and pulls out a hoodie and throws it at me, "put this on."I was a bit confused but I put it on anyways. The hoodie fell just above my knees and the sleeves were super long. "I'm going to take you somewhere." I felt hesitant to go anywhere with him. "Where?."Max rolled his eyes playfully, "Well I would just ruin the surprise."He put on his hoodie and slipped on a pair of shoes.

Max stood in front of me and grabbed my arm. "I think I'll pa-."We apperated behind a couple of trees and I felt my stomach twist and I don't know if it's because the nerves of being out here seen by my father or the fact that I didn't trust Max. "Relax, I just wanted to take you to the Eiffel Tower."I smiled trying to cover up how nervous I was. I gripped on my wand from my back pocket while he guided me through the city.

I couldn't help but to look in Aww, this place is so full of life. Many people are walking around and eating at restaurants. Many people consider Paris to be the most romantic place in the world, but I think that just cliché. "Why are we here?."I smile at Max and look back still at the beautiful sight.

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