Secret Plan

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The meeting was put on hold until that afternoon in case we got more intel and could use it to our advantage when devising a plan of attack. I gathered my things and was on my way to my quarters when someone called out to me.

"Y/N! Wait up!"

I turned to see Kai approaching.

"Hi Kai."

"Are you okay? You didn't say a word during the meeting. What's wrong?"

I hesitated to tell Kai about the notebook I found. "It was just an off day. I've had a lot on my mind lately since finding out about the Vipers making moves." I forced a smile, praying he wouldn't catch my lie.

"I understand. It's a whole new world in this business. Holler if you need someone to talk to." He smiled then went on his was to his office.

Once he was out of sight, I let out the sigh I had been holding and trudged back to my place. 

I eventually made my way to my bedroom and flopped on the bed, exhausted. My mind was going a mile a minute, wondering if I should have told Kai about my discovery and what I found written in it. 

I sat up and grabbed the notebook from my side table and started to re-read what it said. By the looks of it, it seemed like my father planned for this to happen, like he planned for me to take over when he died. I guess it was just sooner than he thought. He had written plans that I was not to tell anyone about, such as the one that I almost told Kai. That one was the most important one and the one that could not get out no matter what. I sighed and leaned back, resting my head on the headboard, and closed my eyes. 

I woke up with a start and looked at the time. 2:30 pm. I still had about an hour until the meeting resumed. I sighed and returned to my previous position and picked up the notebook that had fallen off my lap. I opened it to the page I last remember reading and continued. I re-read the page I had read many times, in order to memorize the words written on it. It was the first of many plans and I had to memorize it in order to guarantee success. 

I returned to the meeting and we made little progress. I made sure to voice my opinions on some matters as to not raise suspicion.

"I have a question and I'm sorry if it sounds stupid. Why does it matter when they know about me?" I asked.

"It's all apart of the plan we want to establish to get yours in motion. If we reveal you to them when they're at their strongest, they can easily overtake this gang. But, if we tell them at their weakest, aka when we have Kyungsoo as prisoner, then they'll have no choice but to listen to you." Xiumin explained. 

"As, I see. That makes sense." I resumed my attention to my notebook and continued taking random notes. 

After making little progress, I returned to my quarters and brought out the notebook. I resumed reading for a few moments then drifted off to sleep. Before I knew it, I could begin to see sunlight creeping into my room through my window and decided it was time to get up for the day. I had just turned on the water to take a shower when my cell phone rang. 




"I'm so happy you picked up! I was scared you weren't going to. Since you told me what happened and whatnot, I didn't want to bother you and stress you out."

"Oh no, it's okay. I'm sorry for not calling you. I've been very busy here. Stuff has been happening and I guess I just forgot to call you. I'm sorry."

"Girl! Don't worry about it! How have you been doing?"

I knew we would talk for a while, so I turned off the water and flopped on my bed. We talked until around lunchtime, but we could have talked all day. After our call, I finally showered and ate lunch.

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