The First Steps to Unity

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The meeting was dismissed and we went our own ways. I went back to my room and put my pajamas back on before flopping on my bed. During the meeting, I was strong and bold. Now that I'm alone, the anxiety and worries I suppressed overwhelmed me. I didn't do anything to stop the tears from flowing and that was okay. I thought about what was said at the meeting. How the Vipers weren't the ones causing the killings, but how they will be dangerous to face should we meet. I thought about how I willingly allowed myself to be known by them, putting my life on the line. Xiumin had told us that they were in an alliance with the most dangerous rival gang, lead by their vicious ruler, Kyungsoo.

I thought the worst thing that was going to happen was the situation with my mother and Taehyung, but I was way wrong. I thought that was fear, but this really was what fear is about. I sat in bed, unable to sleep, and shivered constantly while lost in thought. The enemy was basically in our backyard and we're not doing anything about it until tomorrow! I shook in fear, worried about what things they might try to do and if they were going after my family. Unable to sit still, I got up and rushed to the office. 

I fumbled getting the door open and turning on the lights before making my way to the computer. I messed up the login countless time due to shaky hands and screamed out in frustration. I slumped in the chair in defeat, accepting that I might never be able to figure out if my family was still alive, if my mother was still alive. Tears threatened to fall and I did nothing to stand in their way. Tears flowed like rivers down my face and I rested my head on the desk, my slippers and the floor getting soaked. A knock on the door took me out of my thoughts. I sat up slightly to wipe away as many tears as I could before sitting upright. 

"I heard you scream. Are you okay?" He looked at me in silence for a second. "I see you are not okay." He rushed to get a chair and scurried to sit next to me. No words were exchanged as he sat next to me with comforting arms around me.

"Chanyeol, I'm scared." I managed to squeak after some time.

"Is it about what Xiumin told us earlier?"

Unable to force the words out, I simply nodded my head.

"Is there anything specific about it? Or just the whole thing in general?"

"My family." I spoke hoarsely. 

"Your family? You're worried they're going to go after them?" I nodded and he continued. "You're worried about them and you came here to check on them, I assume."

"Y-yeah. I just want to know that they are okay." I felt tears form again and tried to prevent them from falling again.

Chanyeol didn't say anything, but logged into the computer and pulled up the tracking site. I saw a red dot at the hospital where mom was after she got stabbed. I sighed in relief, but I wanted to know for sure. I sprinted to my bedroom, without hearing a word from Chanyeol, and returned with my cell phone. I hurriedly dialed Taehyung's number and shook in anticipation of him picking up. 

After a few rings, he did. "Hello?" He said sleepily.

"Taehyung! Oh thank God you're okay! How's mom? Is she doing well?" I said frantically.

"Woah woah. Slow down. What's happening?" He asked, his voice clearer this time.

"We just got news about some stuff going on and I wanted to make sure you two were safe." I refused to say anything else because I didn't want to frighten him. He already has to worry about mom. He doesn't need to worry about me on top of that.

"Yeah, we're okay. The doctor's going to be releasing her soon. The wound was deep so he wanted to keep a close eye on how she's healing. She's getting back to her usual, lighthearted self so that's progress."

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