Chapter 1 : Dropship & Down

Start from the beginning

"Anything to get off that damn Ark." A kid from across us said.

I grinned at him, "damn right."

He was pretty cute, not gonna lie. Long-ish hair, a slightly big nose, but a very cute smile.

"I'm Murphy." He said, "I'd shake your hand but you're over a foot away."

"Rae." I replied, nodding at him."

"What are you down here for?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Stuff." I answered bluntly, moving my attention from him to a guy who was removing his seat belt.

Well this wasn't going to end well.

"Spacewalker strikes again!" Someone cheered, making him laugh.

Spacewalker? My mind quickly connected the dots and I figured that this must be the infamous Finn Collins. Seemingly dumber than I thought, as soon as the parachutes open, he is fucked.

I watched him do a couple of back flips in front of a blonde who looked unimpressed, "you'll get yourself killed."

I leaned back in my seat and grinned, we hadn't even landed yet and already stuff was kicking off. Two more guys followed Finn's lead and detached their belts. Idiots.

"You douche-bags should listen to Blondie or-" My voice was drowned out by a huge crash as the dropship jolted several times, throwing the guys who were floating around into the ceiling.

My head flew back and slammed into the wall behind causing me to yell out in pain, then, silence.

"Listen... No machine hum." Someone said from my right.

"That's a first." A girl said, letting out a nervous giggle.

Slowly but surely everyone unbuckled their belts and stood up, me included.

I touched the back of my head and winced as I felt a cut. I pulled my hand back and wiped the blood I saw on my black jeans.

"You okay?" Monty asked me, seeing the blood.

"Fine, it just stings." I said, following the others and moving down to the bottom floor.

    Being small, I couldn't see past all the heads and bodies so I took it upon myself to shove past them until I was stood at the front.

A tall, dark haired guy in a guards uniform was stood by the doors, and I couldn't help but gape. He was seriously good looking.
Damn, I would hit that.

The blonde from earlier was also stood nearby and said something about the air being toxic so we shouldn't open the doors.

"If the air's toxic, we're dead anyway." I said, moving to lean against the wall.

Mr.SexGodOfTheCentury nodded with a small smirk on his face, without even looking at me, and the blonde looked defeated. She moved back as another girl moved forward.

Well damn. This girl had similar features to the guard guy, and was annoyingly gorgeous. "Bellamy?" She said.

"Octavia?" He replied, edging forward slightly, his face a sexy picture of shock, "look how much you've grown."

Without a word she ran up to him and hugged him.

I raised an eyebrow and watched, slightly confused until a guy asked to hurry it up and Octavia snapped.

"Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year!"

Wait, what? Brother? Well that's an interesting development.

"Nobody has a brother!" Someone shouted.

"That's Octavia Blake! The girl they found under the floor!" Another called out.

Under the floor? What the hell did I miss while locked up in that shithole they call a prison?

Octavia lunged forward but Bellamy held her back. "Leave it, how about we give them something else to remember you by?"

"Like what?" She asked.

"Like being the first person on the ground in 100 years."

Before the filter in between my brain and mouth could react, I corrected him.


He slowly turned toward me, "what?"

"It's not 100 years." I said, running a hand through my hair, "it's 97." I sent him a grin, and watched as he stared at me for a while.

"Well, O. You can be the first person on the ground in 97 years."

I nodded in approval as Bellamy pulled on the lever that opened the doors. Fresh air hit my face and I took a deep breath, smiling lopsidedly. Octavia slowly moved forward and jumped onto the ground, then she turned back to us.

"We're back bitches!"


-Lis x

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