Chapter 50

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A\N: okay, i'm in chapter 50 now... huh.

if any of the four fall down, they'll fall to their death.

wait, isn't Demo immortal?

and Sarah's a ghost.

so, guess you have to worry about Sven and Burt.

they only two people.

sorry Sarah, you're a person who had been dead for 20 years.

Demo knew they cannot just drop down.

Burt and Sven will and CAN die.

Demo found another way.

but it isn't easy.

walking the through the thin edges.

of the rock.

Demo was sure there was another side.

she checked it out, so she conformed that there is another side.

"we are gonna have to walk through here." Demo said, pointing at the edges.

"oh shit.." Sven whispered.

he wasn't a big fan of small spaces.

Sarah looked at it, and was thinking of going back.

"if i die, i'm gonna be hunting all three of you" Burt laughed.

Demo, Sarah and Sven didn't like the sound of that.

but, i guess that's what he wants to do, then so be it.

they started walking on the edge, trying not to fall.

Sarah was a ghost so she didn't care if she fell, she can just come back.

easy as pie.



Demo was in the front of all of them, watching her step.

god, it was so much harder since she was walking on four legs.

though this hasn't been the first time she done this.

Sven didn't dare to look down.

if he did, he'd freak out.

this is a one way trip to suicide, i'll tell you that.

Burt would be fine with suicide.

unlike Sven and Demo.

Sarah is fine with suicide as well.

she legit led herself to suicide 20 years ago, so..

she doesn't give a fuck.

Demo was looking at her steps and forward.

she was doing it in some like pattern.

like, driving a car or some shit.

but Demo wasn't in a car, god damnit.

she was on a edge, all the to doom.

or death.

wait, death and doom are almost the same thing.


Burt was just looking forward, not minding to look at his own steps.

that is, until he tripped on a crack and lost balance.

he fell, screaming.

until Sven caught him by the foot, trying to hold on.

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