Chapter 26

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A\N: Demo wants to eat Sven's soul so damn bad, but she can't because of Burt.

it's been a few hours that Sven hadn't woke up.

Burt was next to his sleeping body, hugging his knees. 

and Demo was reading some type of book.

she looked up again and sighed. she closed the book and stared at Burt.

"it's hopeless. he's dead as a doornail." Demo whispered, Burt looked at Demo. his eyes widened. guess he heard what Demo said.

"NO! HE'S STILL ALIVE! i know.." he couldn't control how he felt.

he felt rage yet pain and sadness. he also felt the gut to kill someone and rip them into so many pieces, no one will be able to find them.

Demo closed her eye and slept. she was thinking for Burt to do the same. but he didn't

a few minutes after Demo fell asleep, Burt was still hugging his knees, waiting for Sven to wake up.

"Demo's right.. he might be dead after all.." Burt whispered, he could feel the tears getting in him, but he held it in.

until he heard a groan next to him.

Burt quickly turned his head to Sven.

he sat up, rubbing the back of his head.

and Burt froze.

"what happened?" Sven asked, and once again Burt could feel tears coming in.

he pulled Sven into a tight hug, sobbing.

Sven returned the hug, ignoring that Burt is hugging him real tight.

"Sven! your alive! i was about to think that your dead!" he sobbed.

Sven didn't say anything.

he was trying to process everything that happened before.

once he remembered, he wished he hadn't.

"i was shot behind the back right?" Sven asked.

"YES! YOU WERE!" Burt's voice screamed with pain and sobs.

Sven's heart broke as he heard Burt cry more, and soon hiccups started forming in between his sobs.

Sven let of the hug and wiped Burt's new tears.

"'s over now.. please stop crying.." 

Sven whispered, still wiping some new falling tears.

Burt nodded, and started to smile.

"there we go.."

Sven chuckled, as he saw Burt smile.

Burt rarely smiles. but he smiles when he's with his loved ones like Demo.

but what caught Sven by surprise that Burt leaned in and kissed him.

Sven returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around Burt.

they kissed for a few seconds, until the parted.

Burt looked at Sven, still having a flow of emotions built in him.

Demo woke up, seeing Sven alive and well.

and Burt as well.

"well... i woke up late." Demo stood up, walking over to them.


Demo turned to Burt as she heard her name

"yeah?" she tilted her head.

"you promise not go and disappear again? i don't wanna relive the whole thing.." Burt fiddled with his sweater's zipper.

Demo nodded.


Burt smiled at this, though leaving would be Demo's biggest regret EVER.

but she won't leave these two again.

even when she still doesn't trust Sven with Burt.

but Burt does.

she always sees the joy whenever he's with Sven

even when he's not smiling.

thank god Sven's still alive.

Demo went to a bag and pulled out Squishy.

she then, placed him in front of Sven and Burt.

and Squishy is just smiling at them.

Burt laughed at a bit, and Sven was confused but yet smiling.

Demo smiled. as well.


my brain is not working today.

stupid brain work AAAAAAAAA-

help me please ;<;

Words: 523

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