(7) Petty Pottery

Start from the beginning

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

James was sat on his little stool in front of a table full of clay pots, bowls, mugs and a variety of different coloured paints with a scowl on his face. As he heard the door click closed he smiled at me and I noticed Rosie was sitting in the corner with her eyes full of laughter. "am I interrupting?" I ask, slumping own onto the worn, dark green sofa next to Rosie and flinging my long legs over hers. Rosie opened her mouth but James quickly shut her up with "err... nothing. I was just about to start paining these". He picks up a tiny little paintbrush in one hand and a pot of water in the other to start cleaning the brush. Realising he was about to paint a beautiful little mug with climbing roses snaking its way up one side as a handle that I'm guessing Rosie helped create I murmur "let me help you". I rise from my position on the sofa and stand behind him before James stumbles "no..no it's okay" and starts trying to wash the tiny paintbrush as it slips between his fingers when he can't grasp it. I roll my eyes at his pride and clasp the hands holding the water and brush in my own, he jumps at the contact which sends water all over his shirt completely soaking it. was my friend uncomfortable around me as a princess? Rosie burst out into fits of laughter and it was only when James nervously swore under his breath before clasping a hand over his mouth that I burst into laughter with her. James glared at us from where we were now rolling around on the sofa and tugged off the now absolutely drenched grey shirt. his glare turned into a smirk when we immediately stopped laughing and noticed my attention on his muscled chest.

James asked a question that I didn't hear as I took in that chest that was still glinting with residue from the water that had seeped in through the shirt, I bit my lip. Rosie jabbed me in the side with her elbow, smirked at me and pointed to James who was holding a small pot in his hand. "What?" I ask, my gaze returning back to his chest.                                                                                 "I asked what you wanted to paint on this pot" James replied and I didn't need to look up to know he was grinning. Gods... what training did he do to look like that? "err...abs" I respond and immediately feel my cheeks redden when the words come out before I can stop them. I give him a cheeky apologetic grin and we all burst into a chorus of laughter once more.

Once my own abs were screaming at me from laughing too much and I felt like I could hardly breathe I watch Rosie walk over to the table in front of James and pick up a plain pot. "I made that one for Anala to paint" James murmurs reaching out to take it from her hand. Rosie snatches it back out of his grasp and taunts through pants "come get it". I roll my eyes, this was definitely not going to end well. James launches himself at Rosie which knocks her to the ground and they start rolling around on the floor trying to get the pot. If James was actually trying he would've easily beaten her in a matter of seconds. After a while, Rosie gives up and lets him take the pot only to start ferociously tickling him. it was hilarious to watch the huge giant in fits of literal giggles as Rosie tickled his arms and ribs. I couldn't stop laughing again and I was genuinely worried that my stomach would burst with the amount I was laughing.

It was then that I noticed a group of girls outside who were all giggling and fanning themselves with nervous glances over toward something. My laughter stops when I see a cold faced Quilo standing next to his stone-faced father. Quilo was carrying a small white round box with black stripes up the sides and a black ribbon, unusual for a prince like him to carry his own belongings. I could open this window which gave me the perfect vantage point and then using the dagger on my thigh I could... "don't even think about it" James grumbles as he noticed my hand on the hilt of my dagger. I glare at him before murmuring "I wasn't going to..." but he cuts me off with a knowing smile and raised brows. "If you're going to kill the prince Anala at least don't do it in front of us" Rosie chirps from her seat next to me.                                                              "Well I can't do it at all now you've said that, you'd know it was me" I grumble twisting back to sit on the sofa properly.

James chuckles and I ask the room "do you know how long he's going to be here?". Silence. Rolling my eyes I continue "well you'd at least better have made sure he's staying in his usual room". that room was in a completely different hall to mine, a deliberate attempt to prevent him from bumping into me. "yes" James replies and glances over at Rosie who has her eyebrows raised at him. I grin at James but when they start having a silent conversation through glances I realise I'm missing something. James clicks his tongue before adding "and I had the snakes removed from under the bed that I'm guessing you had no part in putting there". My grin falters, it had taken me ages to put those snakes there and I hadn't exactly had much time to prepare. It wasn't easy to sneak 25 large snakes into a heavily guarded castle unnoticed. "they weren't poisonous!" I promised raising my hands in defeat. "in that case, I'm guessing you weren't aware that the mice they had been eating had eaten most of the mattress before the snakes got to them" James sighs. I grin, hoping that at least that had worked. "so we had to have everything in the room replaced because we didn't know what else had been tampered with".                          "Spoilsport" I reply crossing my arms sulkily. James frowns at me and then straightens.                    "Although I did forget to mention to the cleaning staff about the red food dye in the shampoo" James adds with a small smile. "How did you even think to look there?" I ask noting the way his eyes were twinkling with humour. "You did the same thing last year Anala, remember when he had to walk around with red hair for two days because it wouldn't wash out after he'd realised too late?" James asked. I smile at the memory, I'd snuck through one of the secret tunnels which I knew led to his room after he'd been calling me that godforsaken nickname I hated every time I saw him, he was hilariously angry afterwards.

"I can't train you tomorrow unfortunately but don't worry I've arranged one of the best for you" James sighs changing the subject with a look I could've sworn was disappointment on his face. "Last time you said that I had him knocked on his ass in less than a minute" I chuckle and when James glares at me with a growl I give him an apologetic wince. It wasn't unusual for me to have someone other than James to train me, I had a new opponent at least once a week. The only problem was that most of them arrived with the intention of teaching a spoiled little princess a few tricks with a dagger only to find a girl with the capability of taking down the most skilled warriors wielding a sword instead.

Once we were all settled in our usual seats again and we were well on our way to finishing our painting Rosie cleared her throat and glanced over at me with raised eyebrows. "yes?" I ask watching the way she kept on glancing at James and then back at me as if that was supposed to help me understand. when I just stared blankly at her she gave a dramatic sigh and rolled her eyes before she ventured "for Vauxhavens sake Anala! what happened yesterday?" James's eyes shot to mine and just like Rosie, he set down his pot - waiting. I was really hoping to avoid that question. "how's the new chef keeping up?" I ask, really not wanting to lie to them about the reality of what happened. "don't try to change the subject Anala" Rosie quips, her lips tugging upwards in the corners. I glance back over to James who had his arms crossed over his chest with a hard expression on his face. "fine" I reply with an eye roll and a sigh.

so I told them, I told them of the dance and the stranger, the light and the music. I told them what he was like, leaving out a few details that they didn't need to know. "perhaps he's your soulmate!" Rosie chirps and I snort and roll my eyes. James glares at Rosie and then at me before asking "what were you thinking! he literally could've been a murderer, what if he recognised you?"                                                                                                                                                                 "He didn't" I reply sternly.                                                                                                                                                   "But what if..."                                                                                                                                                                         "He didn't James" I repeat. James gives me an assessing look and then loses a long breath as if trying to decide between our friendship and his job as captain of the guard.

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