Chapter 22: Silver Lining

Start from the beginning

"Copy that, noona." He replied.

They are gathering the evidences they have when Yoona's phone rang loudly. She excused herself politely to answer the call.

"Hello, Dr. Park?" She greeted.

"Dr. Im, I need you to go to the hospital now. There's someone who tried to kill Hyoyeon using a pillow. Luckily, there is another girl who is just passing by and saw the crime. Anyway, she's now at the guard's office while waiting for the policemen." He said in full concern.

"What? But Hyoyeon unnie is fine, right?"

"Yes. She's fine. She had gained consciousness too. And right at this moment, I'm sure Dr. Lee is talking to her."

"Okay, doctor. Thank you so much."

"No problem. And by the way, Yoona. I already found the Death Certificate." He happily announced.

"Really!? Thank you so much doctor!"

"No problem. I'll hand it to you at the hospital. I'm on my way now. I'll see you there." He told her before hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?" Seohyun asked the smiling young doctor but when she heard the young lawyer's voice, she automatically stop herself from smiling.

"I-it's just Dr. Park." She said, stuttering by the way Seohyun look at her.

"Why are you stuttering if it's just Dr. Park, Yoona-ah?" Sooyoung smirked teasingly.

"B-because someone tried to kill Hyoyeon unnie. Yeah, Dr. Park said that someone tried to suffocate her using a pillow." She said and took a deep breath. That was close. At least she doesn't have to explain the real reason why she's stuttering.

"What!" Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows. Her heart is beating fast.

"Don't worry, unnie. Hyoyeon unnie is fine. She's awake now actually. And the girl that tried to kill her is now at the guard's office. They are just waiting for the policemen to arrive and get her." She told them reassuringly.

"You'll go to the hospital, right? I can't just let you go alone again, Yoona. I will go with you." The blonde stated. The way she say it is just too determined that they knew they wouldn't be able to change her mind anymore.

"If that's the case then I'll go with you." Tiffany said.

"Me too. I wanna see if she's fine." Yuri joined in.

"Then, let's all go and see." Seohyun announced. All of them agreed and walk out of the house.

Taeyeon and Tiffany are inside of Taeyeon's car with Sooyoung. While Yoona and Seohyun are in Yoona's car. Jessica tried to convince her sister to just ride the car with them but Krystal argued because she said she hate slow cars so in the end, she will ride her own with Minho on her passenger seat. The man had insisted to ride the car with her. Although Krystal is annoyed, she couldn't just push him away. She's not that heartless. And Yuri and Jessica are together in Jessica's car. The four vans of Taeyeon's bodyguards are escorting them too. Making sure the girls' safety.


In Yoona's car, the young doctor is driving them this time. Seohyun had been quiet since they were left alone. Yoona have an idea why but she don't understand either.

"Seohyun-ah are you okay?" She asked to break the ice.

"Why wouldn't I?" Seohyun replied irritatedly. Yoona was taken aback by the sudden tone. The young lawyer have never talked to her like that before.

"What's wrong? Why are you suddenly so grumpy?" Yoona asked gently.

"Ask your doctor." Seohyun replied. She's not holding back anymore. This is too much for her. She just wanted to let it out and if it will put a stain in their friendship, she'll just do her best to move on and forget about this. But at this moment, she wants nothing but to let it out.

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