His Butler & Maid, Escorting

Start from the beginning

After a mile or so, they met up with the Phantomhive servants- former Phantomhive servants who had a horse and cart with them. Ciel hurried over and climbed into the cart with Finny. "Hey there, you three! Just like we promised! Here to pick up our wages!" Sebastian chuckled, "My goodness, even thought I believe I told you we wouldn't have it ready right away. Only at times like these are you quick to do your jobs." He helped Aurora into the cart before climbing in himself. "Money grabbers, the lot of you."

The cart trudged along, Ciel hidden under the blanket and Sebastian and Aurora laying back beside him. Aurora had her head on her mate's shoulder, relaxing as he combed her hair. It was when he noticed Finny and Mey-Rin watching them he paused. "Is something wrong?" Finny blurted out, "Are you really a demon?" Sebastian's eyes widened and Aurora hummed sleepily, "Yes... I forgot to tell you... There might have been an, ehm..." She giggled nervously, "An incident with my wings and the Undertaker." Sebastian looked startled, "What?!" Aurora hummed, "I might've been a little upset and unsheathed my wings. And Undertaker let a few choice words slip and they sort of pieced things together." Sebastian stared in disbelief. Aurora sighed, "Relax, it's not as if we've broken any rules. The rules only state to never use your true name." Sebastian sighed, "I suppose it's alright... Saves us the trouble of having to hide the fact." Mey-Ring laughed, "Oh we already suspected you were either alien or like Finny! So it wasn't too much of a shock!" Sebastian sighed, "My brother's going to mock me about this for millennia."

They stopped at small inn in the middle of nowhere for the night. "Should be safe here, at least for a night." Bardroy said. Aurora nodded, "If anything we can disguise Ciel as a younger child. Finny, give him your hat." She pulled Ciel aside, "We're going to need to remove your eye patch." Ciel shook his head, "But the others will-" Aurora sighed, "They know about Sebastian and I. They know we are demon and angel. They know the three of us are bound by a contract. Just cover your eye with your hair if you absolutely need to." Ciel was hesitant, but slowly nodded. "Okay."

The group of them entered the inn, masquerading as a noble family. Sebastian had his hair slicked back, and he had Aurora on his arm. Ciel and Finny held hands behind them, Bard was dressed as a guard, Mey Rin a nanny, and Snake a butler. "Hello sir, we require a room for ourselves and our children, alongside one for our staff." Sebastian said handing the barkeep a small bag of coin. The barkeep nodded, "Upstairs, last two rooms on the left, one on the right." They went upstairs and Snake spoke, "We will keep watch, says Emily." While Snake kept watch, Aurora tucked Ciel into bed. Ciel looked worried, "We should have kept going." Aurora frowned, "Ciel, I promise it'll be fine. If the yard comes we will leave. Besides, Sebastian can handle them easily if it comes to it." She kissed the top of his head and smiled, "Anyways, Finny is here with you as well, just in case something happens." They glanced over at the boy who was sound asleep. "He doesn't seem like he'll be much help." Ciel said coolly. Aurora smiled and caressed the side of his face, "Regardless, I'm sure it will be fine." She stood and walked towards the door, "Goodnight, Ciel." Ciel mumbled a response and rolled over, closing his eyes as she left the room. 

"Well, Ciel and Finny are in bed, the others are resting, and Snake is guarding. Have we missed anything?" Sebastian shook his head, laying back on the large bed in the room. "No, I believe we've covered everything." Aurora smiled and walked over to the bed, her shins hitting against the bedside as she flopped forward down onto the cushioned mattress. She sighed as she relaxed on the comforter, "I'm exhausted." Sebastian smirked, "How can you be exhausted? You've slept almost every night this week! You require only a full nights sleep a week, do you not?" Aurora nodded, humming quietly, "Yes, but I don't usually fight grim reapers or have so much stress in one day." Sebastian smiled and crawled over to her, leaning over her with a small smile, "Would you like me to relax you my dear?" Aurora yawned, and reached out her arms for him. He chuckled and pulled her close, laying down on the bed, head hitting the pillows. Aurora curled into his embrace and draped a leg over his hip, pulling him closer to her. Sebastian smiled and shifted his weight, soon laying on top of her, he smiled down at her, feeling his desire brushing against her heat. "Angel?" Aurora nodded and tugged him close with a small whine. He chuckled, "Make sure you keep quiet." Aurora gasped a bit as he slid into her. "Oh I think that'll be a little hard to do."  Sebastian smiled, bucking his hips into hers, eliciting a small gasp from his mate, her nails digging into the skin of his arms. "Sebastian!" The demon smiled leaning down to nuzzle his face against hers. "Come now darling, relax." He made a steady rhythm of in and out while pressing hot kisses down his mate's throat, his tongue even snaking out to graze along her skin. Aurora whined and arched her back in response to his actions. Sebastian lowered his head to her collarbone and latched his mouth onto her skin, Aurora squeaked as he began to suck on her skin, pulling away when he was satisfied with the hickey he left. He licked his lips and then ran his hands down her body, beautiful. She was so beautiful. He noticed her tiring and smirked. He began making his way down her body, Aurora was gasping below him, twitching a bit as he ventured lower. His lips were like a hot fire of pleasure, each movement of his lips made the angel want more. She pouted a bit as she felt his member slide out of her, only to be replaced a moment later by his tongue. She was gasping and sat up, only for Sebastian to reach up and put a hand on her breast, gently pushing her down while messaging the mound of flesh. His tongue twisted and turned inside her, hitting every spot that caused overwhelming pleasure. She felt the familiar sense of pleasure washing over her, and she gasped feeling her release. Her breathing was labored, and Sebastian slowly sat up, a devious look in his eyes and her pleasure all over his face. He crawled up and laid his head between her breasts, smiling up at her deviously. "Did you like that, my mate?" Aurora whimpered in response, feeling his breath hot against her. She gasped as his tongue snuck out to touch her breast. Sebastian smirked, "Do I make you weak, angel? Would you like me to do more?" He reached his hand down to toy with her clit, eliciting a gasp from her. "Sebastian!" The demon pinched her and she gave a soft yelp of shock. He smiled, "No, say my name." Aurora was shaking as he continued to rub and massage her. "M-M-Malphas!" 

Sebastian was satisfied, he sat back against the bed, licking his lips. He could still taste her on his tongue. He glanced down at her. She was laying on his chest and between his legs. Perfect. Her naked form was before him, and she was sound asleep. He glanced at the nearby clock. It was nearly four am. They'd been at this for hours. He smiled at the thought and tugged her closer. Aurora sighed in her sleep and burrowed closer into his chest. Sebastian's ear pricked as he swore he heard a noise. Slipping out of the bed, careful not to disturb his sleeping angel, he pulled on a pair of pants and a shirt, then made his way out of their room and down to Ciel's. He opened the door and scanned the room with crimson red eyes. Finnian was sleeping like a baby, Ciel on the other hand was not. Ciel was tossing and turning in his sleep, whimpering quietly. Sebastian frowned debating whether or not to see to him. He opted to let the boy ride out his nightmare, figuring it would soon fade. He went back to his and Aurora's room where he found her still sound asleep. He smiled at the sight of her sleeping. She was exquisite. An absolute angel. He shed himself of his shirt and pants and climbed back into bed with her, curling close to her side. His arm wrapped around her and pulled her close. He buried his nose in her hair and inhaled her sweet scent. She smelled of vanilla and cherry blossoms. He memorized the smell until he had it engrained in his mind. And eventually, he closed his eyes and allowed sleep to take him.

Aurora stirred the next day, waking in Sebastian's arms. He was curled around her protectively and snoring softly. The angel smiled and rolled over, reaching up to kiss him. Sebastian moaned into the kiss and sleepily reached up to pull her face closer to his. When he finally pulled away, he had a loving but playful smile on his face. "Good morning, my angel." Aurora hummed, "Good morning."  She rolled over on top of him and pressed her lips to his passionately. Sebastian groaned and pulled her close. He smiled when he felt on of her hands venturing downwards toward his crotch and looked up at her with a small smirk, "Frisky this morning, aren't we?" Aurora smiled and kissed him again, "Perhaps." He allowed the hand resting on her hip to move downwards, cupping her thigh and giving it a suggestive squeeze. His mate gave him a little moan/squeak and he chuckled. He smiled seductively and ran his hand up and down her leg. "I believe we have some time, my darling." He said, "If you would like we could enjoy each others company a little more... thoroughly..."

 Aurora nodded and bucked her hips into his with a small whine. "Yes." Sebastian smirked and rolled them over, pinning her underneath him. His tongue snaked out from between his lips, the mere action making mate want him to skip the foreplay and dive straight into the action. Sebastian was holding her close, and hissed in pleasure as he felt her body encase him in her warmth. He pressed his chest against hers, his lips on hers as he repeatedly thrust into her. Aurora was gripping his biceps and crying out a bit. Sebastian slammed his mouth onto hers in an attempt to silence her. He pulled away with a seductive smirk, "Hush my angel, you wouldn't want the other to hear us, would you?" Aurora whimpered and then gave a shuddering gasp as he finished inside her. Sebastian had a small smile on his face and collapsed on top of her. They were both breathing heavily. Aurora looked up at him, "I hope you didn't plan on carrying Ciel."

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