The deal (chapter one)

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"St..stop please. Chara it hu...urts!", screamed Killer, he was currently clutching his SOUL trying to ease the pain. He looked up and saw Chara standing their with a look of amusement on their face. Charas and Killers souls merg and twist together, eventually killers soul turned into a white and red upside down heart that looks like it was melting. Charas determination was fused into killers soul. Chara emerged as a ghostly being, almost transparent and was floating.

"Its not that bad, plus we have so much more fun things to do!", exclaim Chara rolling their eyes while taking out their knife and start to play with the tip of it. "Now come on sans or should I say killer, we don't have all day", Chara said grabbing the sleeve of Killers hoodie and dragging him along with them.
   "Chara who's next?", asked killer fully recovered and was currently standing a few feet away from a pile of dust.
  "Well I was thinking we could go and take a rest sense now we have killed everyone", exclaim Chara quite excited to know that all of them died!

   "Alright if you say so", answers killer, he felt like someone was watching him but it was probably the adrenaline from all the killings.

Suddenly when the two we're heading back to Killers house another sans emerged from the shadows, he was quite tall, had a black goopy liquid running down his body, 4 menacing looking tentacles sprouting from his back, and one of his eyes were covered by a big ball of goop. Chara and Killer wasted no time getting into their battle position and both were nervous as they had previously thought they had killed everyone.

   "Who are you, and why are you here?", asked Chara as their red eyes gleamed dangerously, and black liquid started flowing from their eyes. The mysterious skeleton chuckles darkly, he simply leans against a tree near him and smirks.

   "I'm Nightmare, king of negativity and despair. I am here to recruit the sans of this au.", answers the mysterious man or now Nightmare.

   "What's an au?", asked Chara still spectacle about the newcomer.

   "A au is a alternative universe, one like we're I'm from. There are many sans that travel in between these universes, but their is a battle ranging on about keeping peace and positivity throughout the aus. My idiotic brother and his group of friends are the protectors of this cause. While I am gathering a force to diminish and destroy positivity, that's why I need your help.", answers Nightmare.

"How can we trust you?", asked Killer surprising both Nightmare and Chara. Nightmare smirked and started to walk over to we're Killer was, Chara
immediately got in front of him snarling at Nightmare. Nightmare stopped he knew he had to gain their trust, both of theirs he had to play this smart. He came to a conclusion, he raised his hands up in the air showing a sign of peace and backed away. He can't have the sans of this universe yet he has to wait, something he is good at.

"To answer your question, if I did intend to hurt you I've would of done it already" said Nightmare his expression darkens and Killer and Chara both were filled with fear. "Both of you would be an excellent addition to the team, so what do you say?", asked Nightmare holding his hand out.

"Can we talk to each other about it first?", asked Killer he really didn't care if they went with him or not, but he didn't want to find out what would happen if they say no. Nightmare nodded and told them they had 20 minutes to talk it out and to meet him at their house when they have come to a conclusion.

"Chara what do we do?", asked Killer seeing Chara float next to him and hover a bit.

"I think we should agree, we might as well get out of this hell hole, plus it will be fun killing all the other innocent souls!", answer Chara, Killer only nodded and starts to walk toward his house, Chara floating right behind him. Killer felt himself getting tired as the adrenaline from earlier started to wear off. Chara noticed, "Killer stay alert we never now."

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