It was only years of rigorous Icewing training, and his usually indifferent personality that allowed Winter to break out of his trance before his friends could notice, yet he thought he saw an amused twinkle in Glory's eyes as he quickly thought of something to say.

The handsome Icewing quickly dipped his head into a bow as he greeted her. "It's an honour to see you again, Your Majesty." Winter winced slightly at the awkward greeting.

But Glory only laughed, her voice like an angel singing in his ears. "You don't need to be so formal, Prince Winter. But it's great to see you again, too. You've grown quite a bit since I last saw you, and you've definitely become more handsome." she said with a smile.

His heart raced at hearing this. "Right. My apologies." He replied.

Glory nodded at this, and spent a few more minutes chatting with them, before realizing the time. "Well, looks like this is goodbye for now," she grumbled. "Deathbringer's going to chew me out again if I'm late for sun time. It was great talking to you, though. Especially you, Prince, you seem like a very interesting dragon."

Winter's heart rate skyrocketed, and he was pretty sure a blush was visible on his cheeks as well. Thankfully, he was saved from embarrassment by his Rainwing friend.

"Heyyyyyy, are you saying me and Turtle aren't interesting?" Kinkajou accused Glory, feigning offense.

Glory held her talons up in surrender. "Hey, I was just saying that because I haven't seen Prince Winter in a long while, while I see you guys almost everyday. But don't worry, you're still my best friend Kinkajou." Glory tapped her claw on Kinkajou's snout, Kinkajou giggling like a dragonet in return.

"Alright! That's enough time wasted!" Glory declared. "I'll see you three soon!" And with that, she walked away, towards the platforms where the Rainwings had their sun time.

For the rest of the day, Winter couldn't concentrate. He barely listened to his friends, and gave simple responses when he was asked something. Not even Turtle playfully splashing water on him made him even the least bit annoyed, which was where Kinkajou drew the last straw.

"Alright Frost-face, you've been distracted for almost the entire day now! There's something clearly wrong with you, so you're going to tell us right now, or you will face the wrath of the mighty Kinkajou!" She gave a little growl for more effect.

Winter rolled his eyes. "There's nothing wrong with me!" He insisted, slightly offended. "I'm... just having an off day!" Kinkajou narrowed her eyes at this, and just when he thought he was off the hook, Turtle annoying managed to figure it out what was bothering him.

"You've been like this since we talked with Queen Glory earlier," he realized. "It's her, isn't it? That's what's been distracting you!"

Winter spluttered a bit, before regaining himself and turning away haughtily. "What an absolutely foolish thing to say. Why would I be thinking about Queen Glory? Like I said before, there's nothing wrong!" He insisted. But from the looks on the other's faces, they didn't buy it one bit.

"Ugh, jeez Winter, if you wanted to talk to her again, all you had to do was ask!" Kinkajou turned away with an annoyed huff. "I guess us lowly commoners aren't worth hanging out with, huh?"

Winter sighed. He knew she wasn't being serious, yet he defended himself anyways. "Relax, there's nothing wrong with you two, alright? Queen Glory... just seems interesting, that's all! I haven't met many new dragons as knowledgeable as her lately."

"Well, if that's all you want, then you better get to it! It's almost nightfall, so I'm pretty sure she's going to be in her office now."

Winter smiled at his bubbly friend gratefully. "Thanks, Kinkajou. I really appreciate it."

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