Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Giselle was floating in a sea of dreams and memories. In the beginning she could distinguish which was which but as she got deeper and deeper into her unconscious state the dreams and memories started to collide and become one. One moment she was an Innocent child who longed for her father to acknowledge her the next she was a frighten teenager being rescued by a prince. But that wasn't true she knew that frighten teenager had rescued herself because in her pack the only she could trust was herself. The first was a memory, the second a mixture of both.

She drifted until those dreams and memories became a dark void with a single shining light that got wider. Soon it became wide enough for her to reach for it. So she did. There was a single moment when the dark started to rapidly come back but she held on to that light and watched as it got brighter and brighter until finally she woke up. It took a minute for the haziness in her mind to go away. For a moment she thought she was still in that dark void but she realized she was just somewhere without any lights on.

She must have fell asleep in her bed. No, that wasn't right she remembered Josie coming over, the gas flooding the house, and finally Josie's face with the gas mask on it. That bitch, I can't believe she was in on this the entire time. What the hell have I done to her to get her to target me, I haven't even here a year yet. Normally, Giselle didn't like to curse but in times like these she couldn't stop her self. Josie had been the first person to accept her in the pack, did she secretly want Eric and Giselle happened to be standing in her way?

The most important question I should be asking myself is where the hell am I, she thought. The fact that she was still alive means that whatever Josie had planned for her wasn't over. Giselle knew she was laying down on some sort of bed. It was soft and longer than the length of her body, her head was raised higher than her body so she assumed her head was on a pillow of some sort. While laying down she tried to use her hands to feel around her but they were strapped down to whatever she was laying on. Her feet as well.

She moved her head from side to side and was glad that her head wasn't strapped down as well. Nothing worse than a constant kink in the neck that can't be fixed by moving. Whatever was used to hold down her hands and feet made it impossible to move them even an inch, no matter how much force she puts on them. It was a shame her head could not reach her hands in the position she was in, she was considering using her teeth to break the bonds.

All of a sudden she was blinded as intense light flooded the room without mercy. Once again she observed the room through hazy eyes. This time all she could see was white. From the walls to the floor and even her clothes to the bed it was nothing but a pure white color. She actually preferred the darkness to this. The walls looked like there were padded. It was almost as if she were in a mental Institution. Then it hit her a stone, that's exactly where she was a freaking mental institution. Not a place werewolves could go since nothing in a mental institution could hold them down or knock them out.

"Looks like the princess has awaken," A voice said from somewhere.

The person wasn't in the room currently, Giselle knew that very well. The voice also sounded tempered with as if the person was muffling their original voice. "Fuck you asshole."

"Now, now no need to be rude after I took time out of my very busy schedule to make sure you were nice and comfortable."

"I'm strapped down to a table in an mental institution with someone who probably belongs here themselves."

"I can see it dawned on you where you are. You were always a smart girl when it came to things like this. However you could never see the big picture," the voice said snidely.

"Oh really and what exactly is this big picture, why don't you come in the room and tell me," Giselled sneered.

"I think I like the place I'm at very much so i'll stay here. I would like to see the shocked look on your face when you see who I am. But I'll settle for watching you be annoyed."

"Watching me...Nevermind I see the Camerea in the corner ahead pointed right me and I can assume what's next to it is where your speaking from?"

"You would be assuming correct."

 "Why am I here?"

"That will be answered once all the pieces are assembled. But don't worry we'll keep you well fed and taken care of it wouldn't due well to have you waste way so soon. Ta-ta"

Giselle inwardly smirked, she might know what's going on be she knew how to get some information. Her kidnapper might not have realized it but they gave her reassurance that there were multiple people involved in this. She just wasn't sure if all these people were on the same side but had different reasons why and how they went about planning and excuting things or are playing on different sides.

She tried to use her mate bond to get in contact with Eric but that failed. The most she could do now was wait and see what happens.

Tall, Dark, and WolfeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon