New Hires

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As we drew closer and closer to our due dates, and Wanda got to the point in her pregnancy that they thought they'd arrive at any moment (though all be it early quite early), we still hadn't hired a nanny. Tony had been so adamant that he'd handle it but when it actually came down to doing the hiring, the thought of strangers looking after the kids seemed to cripple him in indecision.

Eventually, Steve told him that if he didn't get on it, the task would be taken from him, so with Natasha's help, Tony employed a similar technique to hire our nannies as they did when Natasha first started dating me. First Tony advertised the positions. He then had FRIDAY do background checks on all the applicants. After that, he interviewed the best ones. Then Natasha, Bucky, and Wanda went out and checked into the ones Tony liked best, to make sure there wasn't something hidden deep down. Finally, we had the last five candidates come in and meet everyone for a less formal interview with all of us.

"Well, I definitely loved Amber," Sam said, as we discussed which of the applicants we'd be taking on. "She had that multitasking between talking to us while the kids showed her things down. And she never talked down to them."

"The dogs really liked her too," Bucky said. "I dunno if that matters."

"Hell yeah it does," Clint said. "Dogs know shit."

"I think Amber is a definite 'yes'," Bruce agreed. "She didn't show any signs of intimidation or uncertainty about any of this. Like it was just another day for her. That's an impressive thing."

"Oh yes," Wanda agreed. "She was certainly a little overwhelmed but the fact she could cover it and keep up - they need to have that."

"So a yes to Amber," Steve said, making a note in a file on her tablet. "No objections?"

Everyone nodded their approval and Tony flicked a screen bringing up the other four resumes. "And for the second?"

"What do you kids think?" Natasha asked. "Who did you like best today?"

"Ummm..." Pietro mused and looked at Riley.

"I wiked dem all," Riley said. "Dey was nice."

"They were nice," Bruce agreed. "We need to choose one to live here."

"I quite liked either Travis or Jade," Thor said. "They seemed to have good senses of humor."

"Of those I liked Travis," Wanda added. "Jade was a little more awestruck by everyone, particularly you, Thor. I think that's why she was laughing so hard at your jokes."

"Anyone have any other opinions?" Steve asked. "El, you've been uncharacteristically quiet."

"Oh, um..." I said, looking around at everyone. "Yeah, I'd be happy with both of them."

"You okay, El?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. This is just a lot I guess," I said. "These people are going to live with us."

"That's why it took me so long to do!" Tony said, sounding exasperated.

"You didn't get any of those little connections to any of them, El?" Clint asked.

I shook my head. "No. That would be neat, wouldn't it? But going off my mom, I think those are formed with people through a shared bond. Gonna have to pick like regular people do."

"Alright," Steve said. "If anyone has any objections to the new nannies being Travis and Amber speak now."

No one said anything and Steve marked it on his file and got up. "I'll go make the calls. Shall we ask them to start in two weeks?"

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