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I was just under twenty weeks pregnant when I went to have my glucose test and the ultrasound that would tell us about any major abnormalities and possibly what sex the baby was. The twins were on one of their home days and we were taking them along too, so they could be there when they learned if the last of their new siblings would be a brother or sister. Everyone was excited and there had been bets made on if it would be a boy or a girl. Some people seemed to think that statistically, it would have to be a boy as there were already three girls on their way. However, Tony, Bruce, Sam, and Bucky all knew that's not how statistics worked and seemed to think that it would be a girl just because the universe wanted us to have to all agree on four different girls' names at the same time.

While I was waiting for the sugar drink to take effect Natasha and Wanda had their checkups. They were now up to 28 weeks and everything was really good. Even Wanda with the twins was looking very on track. Both girls were growing strongly and Doctor Schroeder had no concerns at all about her getting to full term with them.

When I'd finally had my blood test and come into the examination room, Natasha and Wanda were finishing up and I was directed to get up on the table for my ultrasound. Steve, Tony, and Bruce were in attendance. Pietro was sitting on Bruce's knee playing with a stethoscope, while Steve held Riley and she tried to grab every single thing that was in reach of her.

"How have you been feeling, Elise?" Doctor Schroeder asked as I got into position and she set up the ultrasound machine.

"Good," I said. "The morning sickness passed. I have more energy. They kick a lot so I don't get worried about them too much."

"That's good. And you're keeping your stress levels low?" She asked, squeezing some gel on my stomach.

"Well..." I said, guiltily. "Less stress than when I was pregnant with the twins."

She shook her head and pressed the paddle to my stomach. "You really need to be taking care of yourself, Elise."

"You tell that to the world," I snarked, and she laughed as she pressed the paddle down on her stomach.

The baby came into view on the screen, looking like an actual baby right down to the fingers and toes. "I'm assuming you're all finding out the sex," she said.

"Oh yeah. I definitely want to know what flavor of spawn El is cooking," Tony said.

"And I'm guessing you're all hoping for a boy," she joked.

Tony went to speak, but Steve quickly cut him off. "We'll all be happy either way."

"What about you kids?" Doctor Schroeder asked. "Do you want this to be a brother or a sister?"

"I wanna sisder," Riley said quickly.

"No, Wiley," Pietro argued. "Deres fwee sisders. I wanna brovver."

Doctor Schroeder started laughing. "Well, let's see which one of you gets your wish."

She moved the paddle getting it into position to see better. "Alright, if you're placing bets, now's the time," she said. Tony crossed his fingers and started chanting, "Boy, boy, boy, boy, boy."

"And we have a..." she said slowly, dragging out the suspense for as long as possible. "Boy. You're having a boy."

"Yes!" Tony said, pumping his fist in the air and leaning over and kissing me deeply.

"You hear that, Piet?" Bruce asked. "You get a brother."

"Yay!" Pietro said, bouncing on Bruce's lap.

"Oh, no," Steve said. "We're going to have a little mini-Tony in the family."

I started laughing and cradled Tony's jaw. "I know. Isn't it great?"

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