Chapter 7

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Noah's POV

I watch as Jules starts the night with drinking shots. I'm not one for getting drunk. I just ordered a beer bottle, making sure not to chug the whole thing down in one go.

I see Jules laughing her head off with Jeremiah. I'd say those two get along pretty well. But I see the way he looks at her. As if he wants a taste for himself. It's getting on my nerves.

"You're not drinking?" Jules asks me. I shake my head.

"I think it's time to go now." I say standing up from my seat and offering my hand to Jules.

"No." She whines and turns away from me, taking another shot. Before she get down the whole thing I snatch it from her hands.

"You're drunk Jules. I'm taking you home." I warn her. 

"Just one more? Please?" She asks like a baby wanting their candy back.

"No. Now let's go." I say and grab her wrist. She struggles but then I sweep her off her feet. Slinging her over my shoulder.

"Bye Jer!!" Jules shouts. I roll my eyes.

I walk back to our car, unlock the door and open the passenger side of the door. I place Jules down in her seat. Then I close the door and head to the driver's side. Once settled in I turn to face her. Yep, definitely knocked out.

With a sigh, I start driving back home. Yes I'm taking her to Carlos' house. 

We arrive later at night and I carry her out of the car into the house. I hear the lights begin to open to reveal Lily in her pajamas heading to the kitchen.

"Hey cupcake," I say. She jumps up getting a frying pan ready to hit me. 

"Fuck you Noah," Lily whisper yells to me. I chuckle lightly. Then her eyes drift towards my shoulder. She raises an eyebrow. "Ohhhh? So you two getting off now huh?" She asks wiggling her eyebrows.

"I just took her to Jeremiah's and she got drunk," I say.

"Uh-huh." she says still not convinced. Then we hear a bedroom door open. Carlos comes downstairs wearing nothing but sweatpants. he goes straight to Lily and wraps his arms around her waist.

"What's going on?" He asks. 

"Ask Noah. I'm going to bed. Night boys," Lily says shrugging and waving us off to go to bed.

Carlos turns to face my and raises both his eyebrows. As if waiting for an explanation as to why Jules is on my shoulder. Passed out. After midnight.

"I'm taking her to bed with me," I say breaking the silence. Carlos looks suspicious but nods anyway and heads back up to his bedroom.

I walk up the stairs carefully and open my room. I gently lay Jules on my bed and quickly run to the bathroom to get changed. Then I walk back to her lying on my bed and take off her shoes. 

I don't bother taking off her close because I know how she'll react the next morning. 'You raped me!' 'Why am I not wearing clothes?' 'Why am I in Noah's bed?' etc.

Just to make sure I take a pillow and a blanket from a closet and head downstairs to sleep on the couch.


Jules POV

Why do I feel so disgusting? My head hurts and I feel like throwing up. What did I do last night? Then it hit me. I bolt straight up from the bed I was laying in. I look around. I'm in Noah's room that's for sure.

The only thing I remember from last night was meeting Jeremiah and drinking. Huh. That's probably where the sick feeling is coming from. I notice I'm still wearing clothes but my shoes are off. And Noah's not in bed. he probably woke up earlier.

I check the clock on the bedside table to see that it's almost noon. I can't believe I woke up so late. 

I quickly put on my shoes and head downstairs to the kitchen to see Lily making breakfast. "Morning Jules." She says as she flips pancakes.

"Hi," I mumble taking a seat on the stool.

"How'd last night go?" She asks as she pours me a glass of orange juice.

"I don't know. I was passed out the whole time," I say. 

"So what're you planning on doing today?" She asks me.

"I don't know." I reply back.

"Well good because you and Madi are going shopping today. There's another anual ball being hosted by one of Carlos' allies. New Mafia are whatever. And we are going." She says.

"Fine," I say.

"Good because after you finish we are leaving right away." She says happily and runs upstairs. I groan from annoyance.


Another ball! Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote!

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