Chapter 3

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Jules' POV

Today is the last day of us staying in Italy. I'm definitely going to miss this place. It was fun while it lasted but Kassidy just kept ruining it for me. I have no idea why that girl has this thing against me.

"Everyone have their stuff ready?" Lily asks. We all nod our heads.

"The private jet is waiting for us. Let's go," Carlos says as he takes Lily's hand in his and brings it up to his lips to kiss it. She leans her head on his shoulder as they walk hand in hand to the jet.

I sigh looking at them. 

Today, I decided to wear a nike long sleeve sweatshirt with matching pants.

Today, I decided to wear a nike long sleeve sweatshirt with matching pants

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"What's on your mind?" Madi asks coming up beside me. I sigh again.

"it's nothing really," I reply back. I turn my head to see Kassidy clinging on to Noah's arm like her life depends on it.

We all climb on board the jet. It looks beautiful on the inside. There 3 bunk beds and master bedroom in the back.

"Dibs on the bedroom!" Jordan says and runs to the door. A hand clamps onto his neck and he turns out. 

"That's not for you," Carlos says. He let's go of Jordan and takes Lily's hand and they head inside the room. "Don't bother us for the next couple of hours," he says. Lily playfully slaps his chest causing him to chuckle lightly.

"Noah and I can share a bunk right?" Kassidy asks gripping his arm.

"Uhh--" Noah starts.

"Nah, no way he's sharing with a witch. He's my bunkmate," Jordan says and yanks Noah away from Kassidy who scoffs and turns away. 


It's been a couple of hours later and Carlos and Lily are still in their bedroom doing God knows what. But I definitely know what they're up to. Wink wink.

Noah and Jordan are sharing a bunk bed and Chase and madi are sharing one too. Leaving Kassidy and my to sharing one.

We are unloading our stuff to get ready to rest for the night. Even thought the sun is still setting.

"You know. Noah and I go way back," Kassidy starts out of nowhere.

"Okay?" I reply with. Why in the hell is she telling me this?

"I'm just saying. We use to have a thing for each other. We might as well get back together if you know what I mean," Kassidy says casually.

I literally just want to rip her hair out of her skull right at this moment. 

"Good to know," I say and walk away to the kitchen to grab a light snack. But unfortunately she follows me there as well. I turn around to face her and give her a fake smile. "Yes?" I ask her.

"I just want to tell you something and you know how we're like friends and all. I just don't want to seem rude about it," Kassidy says playing with her fingers looking down at the floor.

"Just rip off the bandage," I say taking a granola bar and sitting on a stool.

"Noah and I are kind of a thing. But it's like on and off," She says looking back at me. 

What she just said made me instantly freeze. Her and Noah are together? I mean Noah didn't say they are in a relationship. But he also didn't say they aren't either. They have been spending a lot of time together lately too. 

"Oh," Is all I could manage to say.

"I know. A lot of girls go for Noah, but like I said on and off. He stays loyal until we actually like for real break up." Kassidy says shrugging and taking a seat next to me on the stool.

"He never mentioned," I say quietly.

"Yeah he does that. I didn't want to tell you. I mean you and Noah have gotten really close and I didn't want Noah to break your heart. And we're friends too so it breaks my heart telling you this," She says as she places a hand on my shoulder. 

Well she sure doesn't sound heartbroken at all. 

"Anyway. Just wanted to let you know before you think Noah's going to take interest in you. I mean really? Why would he take interest in you though? I mean you're beautiful just not exactly Noah's type." She says.

"He told you that?" I ask her confused. Noah wouldn't lead me on would he?

"Yeah, yesterday. I know I was shocked too." She says sounding sarcastic. I feel heartbroken. I really thought we would be great together. But I still didn't know if I can believe this lying bitch.

Just then the guys started walking into the kitchen. "hey girls," Jordan says. 

"Hi Jordan. Hey Noah," Kassidy says trying to sound seductive as she says Noah's name.

"Hey Kass, Jules," Noah says. He takes the other stool on the opposite side of me. "Are you hungry?" He asks me, noticing the granola bar in my hand. I shrug.

"Not anymore. I'm going to find Madi see you guys later," I say and leave the room.

"I think she's in the lounge!" I hear Chase yell back to me.


Here's another chapter! Thanks for reading!

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