Festival of Fools

Start from the beginning

Once I adjusted to my new body, I resolved to retain my strong sense of justice from my old life, and stick to canon Hunchback of Notre Dame. I watched the movie in my old world, and although I know things will get dangerous for me at times, Esmeralda was a key component in the movie for Quasimodo, and I am not sure how things will change if I do not get involved. So, for the last sixteen years, I have been preparing myself to meet Quasimodo, and for the beginning of the canon Hunchback of Notre Dame to start. 

I am now sixteen years old, and the Festival of Fools is today. This is the day where canon starts, and I meet Quasimodo. I've been expecting the events fated to happen today, but I neglected to remember one very important detail.

The heroes from Young Justice exist here, and they have a tendency to show up to parties unannounced. 

3rd POV(heroes)

Two days ago...

"You will all be going undercover to Paris to assess the economic and political situation, and to investigate the minister, Judge Claude Frollo. As part of your cover, you will be traveling with several civilians from the states as tourists and guests, as Minister Frollo has made it illegal for superheroes to interfere with their affairs. In two days, the town is hosting a local celebration called the Festival of Fools. That is where you will start your investigation. You leave tomorrow."

Superboy, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Robin are standing at attention in front of the main computer in Mt. Justice. Black Canary, Green Arrow, Flash, Aquaman, Superman, and Martian Manhunter are standing off to the side as Batman debriefs the young heroes on their mission. Just two days ago, after taking down Cadmus Labs, the protégés joined together as a covert team lead by the league. This will be their first official mission as a team. 

The league received intel that a town in Paris is being ruled by a cruel minister, but since heroes are forbidden from entering the town, the team will be going undercover to investigate the situation further, along with several civilians to help the image of being tourists. They are entering the town on the day of a festival, to help them integrate with the crowd, and not stand out too much. 

"You will meet with the designated civilians accompanying you once you reach the city. You are not to disclose your identities as heroes, and you are NOT to engage unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. Understood?"

The four protégés all nod in sync, or make sounds of affirmation. Batman nods, "meet back here at 09:00 hours. Dismissed."

The league members present walk away as the young heroes talk excitedly among themselves about the mission. Privately to Batman, Black Canary speaks up. "You wouldn't send all of us undercover with the team for something as small as a potentially corrupt leader. Something more is going on."

To this, Batman pauses, then answers, "expect trouble, and be prepared for what we may witness." 


Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Superboy all stand in front of the gates of the town surrounding Notre Dame. Dressed in their civilian clothes, they are waiting for the civilians accompanying them to arrive. 

A moment later, they hear footsteps, and turn around to face a group of Americans. 

Among them is Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, Dinah Drake, Arthur Curry, and John Jones. Once introductions are finished, Bruce Wayne steps up to the extravagant gates surrounding the town. In the distance, they can hear bells ringing loud and clear.

 "Everyone, welcome to the city of Paris, and the town surrounding Notre Dame."

Hey! So that's the first chapter, hope everyone liked it! If you haven't seen the Hunchback of Notre Dame movie, you may want to watch it before reading this fanfic. Same goes for the series Young Justice. Just season one will be fine. 

I know this chapter was pretty short, but future chapters will be longer I promise. 

I inserted a picture of Clopin below so y'all can recognize him from the movie. If any of you have questions regarding the book, feel free to ask! 





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