Time out! (Ch. 4.1)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, that's it!" She smiled, patting your head.
Watching you be with him was like watching a toddler with their parent "ready to give your all?"


"Who's going to pass?!"


"Who's going to do great?!"


"Who's going to study for next week's exams?!"

"Not me"

"You mean you are going to."

"Yes sir-"

Yep, definitely like a child and their parent.

Not long after, the exam started.
And, well... You weren't the calmest.
You somehow got into a fight with a group of students when your group was separated, but you managed to only get hit on one of your targets.
Thank your grandma and her cane for your dodging abilities.
Then, for the next round, the rescue. It was, more or less, easy for you, since your quirk allowed you to transport others, and you were, as Mina called you, a hunky baby.

So, it was safe to say that you got your provisional license, and the first thing you did when you got home was to call your family to tell them.

"Hey, honey, what's with the studded call?" Your mother asked, picking up the call.(I want to add that Y/N's mom isn't bad, she is just very overprotective and hard-headed)

"I got my license!"

"Your license...? Oh! The provisional hero license?"


"Oooooh! Darling, your kid got her license!"

"Weren't you the one so against our kid bring a hero?" You heard your father laughing, before he was shushed by your mother.

"Weren't you against it too?" You asked, holding the phone close to your ear.

"At first I was, but then I was just scared of your mother-"

"Weren't you making dinner, dear?" Your mother said. You could sense the dark aura coming from her, even if she was on the phone.

"Oh shit-"

"Anyways sweetie! How is everything over there? Getting along with everyone?"

"Everyone is nice, so please, don't kill them"

"...good. Also, tell Tenya he is completely allowed to scold you if you do something bad"

"When do I do anything bad?" You asked, as innocently as you could.

"For starters, that time when you freed all the chickens in Unmei-san's farm with the kids because-"

"Ok mom, love you, have a nice day" you interrupted, hanging up.
You really didn't want to remember that moment - well, you didn't want to remember the scolding you got after doing so, even if, in your opinion, your argument of not wanting to eat Tai's cousins was completely rational and valid. But apparently, the adults didn't think the same, so, you had to spend an hour searching for chickens all over the village.

It was fun tho, so you didn't really have any regrets.
But Tenya did.

"Dammit, I wanted to say hi" Kaminari whined, throwing himself to the couch, and laying on Mina's leg.

"You need to stop saying hi to our parents when we talk with them, I swear" Mina sighed, patting the whiny blonde on the head. (You can't tell me that Denki won't say hi to everyone's parents.) "Also, Y/N, do you want to join us?"

"Yeah sure! Wait- join you for what?"

"We are going to be doing a class game night! Well, most of us. Bakugō is being an angy baby, Todoroki is probably looking at the ceiling, and Midoriya went to his room to train" Mina explained "Satō and Sero are preparing some sweets, and Momo is making tea. Still wanna join?"

"Yeah sure! Just- let me change, I'm still in my uniform" you smiled, heading up to your room so you could get changed.
And, after less than ten minutes, you were back down, glasses on, wearing a big plain t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants; Tai on your shoulder, as usual. (Another thing to mention! Even if Tai - the crow - isn't mentioned, he's probably there)

You wanted to sit with Tenya, but he was already with Sero and Tsuyu, so you had to search for another available seat. However, Tsuyu stood up "Y/N-chan, we can sit together, kero" she smiled. You wondered how, but she just told you to sit down, which you did, just so she could sit down sideways on your lap.
You weren't expecting that.
"I can move if you are uncomfy, kero"

"Ah- no, no no no! I-It's fine!" You shouted, your face radiating an abnormal amount of heat.

This wasn't fine.

At first, you thought that maybe you were allergic to her, which made you wonder if you could be allergic to cute people, since your face was radiating an abnormal amount of heat, you were sweating, and there was a very loud thumping coming from your chest.

Then, you thought of how Tenya had described his crush on Sero. And, well, the ''symptoms'' were more or less the same.

"I'm glad, kero! I didn't want you to be uncomfortable"

"I... I'm very comfortable, don't worry..."

Sea Of Clouds // Tsuyu Asui X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now