Dating Ashley would include

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•Being together almost 24/7
•Cuddling, a lot of cuddling
•Sex, a lot of sex
•^Her being the top most of the time
•When you're sick she will cancel everything she had planned, even if it's work related and take care of you
•Her being the big spoon
•Making out a lot
•^Sweet kisses turning into passionate make out sessions
•Joking around and laughing almost 24/7
•Her helping you cope with your mental health
•^You helping her cope with hers as well
•You being best friends with the cast of pll
•You almost never fighting, if you do it's mostly stupid little things
•Binge watching every Netflix show together
•^Also Disney+, prime video, Apple TV, ect
•Her making you feel better every time your sad
•Her being possessive (in a good way) and extremely protective
•basically dating Ashley is a dream

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