9-Have I Known you 20 seconds, or 20 Years?

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A shock went through her body when she heard the slightest bit of noise, her eyes opening wide to find herself in a familiar room. A hospital wing was the last place she'd suspect herself to be in 

"Oh good! You're awake!" The nurse cheered happily, walking with a tray of medical potions in one hand, and what looked like a change of clothes in the other 

"W-what happ-" A yawn escaped her throat, as she was desperately clinging on her weak awake state "-ppend" 

Madam Pomfrey walked towards her bed, setting potions onto the bedside table. "You were found passed out in the middle of the common room with a high fever. Good thing one of your classmates was awake at that time to bring you in. Merlin knows what might have happened if you slept the night with a burning hot fever- never seen one this bad in my 20 years being a nurse" 

Pansy stared with shocked and wide eyes. The information seemed to be processed at the rate of a snail trying to complete a marathon with a cheetah. The words were fuzzy and seemed to hang barley from her pronounced lips. Not to mention the eerie ring that would casually greet her every few seconds 

"No classes for you today, you must stay rested and well put" She paused and took a small breath "Drink these two bottles after you've had your breakfast, and these two just before lunch and dinner. They should heal your migraine and fever"

"Migraine?" No one said anything about a migraine  

"I don't have much time to explain, I've got a tight schedule and I really must be going" And with that, the stern nurse walked away, leaving Pansy alone, with only herself to remove the heavy silence in the air 


Draco's awakening was greeted by the small specks of light that elegantly danced across his face. The sun was warm considering it was nearing the very end of November. 

He slowly opened his eyes, to be entranced by a painful groan to express the tension in his head- It felt as if someone had dug 20 burning hot nails into his head- no mercy. His body felt like buckets of acid were being poured into him, keeping him weighted on the.. grass?

Once Draco fully opened his eyes, he found himself in the last place he expected to be in

The edge of the forbidden forest, almost 1 foot away from falling and tumbling into the black lake. 

Draco sat his body up. He sort of studied his atmosphere, still very confused about what brought him here. He tried searching through his memories, reading all the thoughts he kept stashed away- the last thing he remembered was being scolded by Pansy and leaving the room of requirement- leaving where? such, he did not know 

A familiar gaze was felt to be burning on him, one he'd weirdly recognize anywhere. A snap of his head did it all when he saw the friendly face- 

Memories came back, flushing like a current 


Cordelia had been watching his heavy breathing from a distance, much like the night before when the sirens had physically tormented him- this time they used their intense sonar system, which was just a high enough frequency to make a human pass out. 

She couldn't believe how well her plan worked last night


"Just stay away!" She threatened with not much of a plan 

"Or what? Are you going to cry about it? Hm?" A siren cackled at her humiliating way of redeeming herself as 'threatening' or 'intimidating' 

Cordelia had Draco's wand tightly gripped between her hands. She didn't really know much about it, or how to use it- she had seen the students of Hogwarts use it from a far distance, she knew it was sort of their source of magic- besides, she had just seen Draco cast some sort of an umbrella charm to shield them from the rain 

𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 - 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Where stories live. Discover now