First kiss

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Okay my loves this is going to be from the girls point of view. Ya I am excited to no need for enthusiasm. Oh and my hand is fixed yeah.







Me and Don were walking along the roof tops hand in hand when he stopped.

"Is something wrong?" I asked

"Well we have been together for about 3 weeks now and..."

"And what?!" I semi screamed/yelled

"We haven't kissed yet." He said as he blushed a bright red. I was to embarrassed to think so i just did what i had to do. I put my lips on his. We kissed for at least 30 seconds before we parted.

"How was that for a first kiss?" I joked.

"Perfect." He said before kissing me once more and hugging me close.

"Donnie?" i whispered against his shoulder.


"I think I might be in love."

"I think I am in love."

"Good." I said as we hugged a little longer. Then we let go and he walked me home.


Me and Leo were at Grand Central Station. We Were walking and talking not much else. He was trying to explain Space Heroes to me but it was hopeless. I hate that show even more than i hate my father. I was getting hungry

"Leo lets go get some food."

"Okay but we aren't leaving until you can tell me who my favorite character is."

"Well considering you do not stop talking about him it is clearly Captain Ryan."

"Good job." He laughed. We left GCS to go find a hotdog stand. We got 4. I ate 1&1/2 Leo ate 2 and the rest of mine. We found a park bench and sat.

"Hey Lilly can I ask you something?"

"Yeah Leo what is it."

"Would it be alright if I kissed you."

"Yes!'' I almost screamed.

"I mean sure i would love that." He kissed me then long and sweet cute and loving. When we broke away we were both breathing hard. Then he surprised me.

"I love you Lilly." He said breathlessly.

"I love you more Leo." I said.

Who Knew after 4 months of knowing him. I could love him so much.


Mikey was hanging out with me at my house with me in my living room. We were watching the FOSTERS marathon on ABC family. He did something out of the blue. HE turned my face and said.

"You have something on your lips."


"Mine." He whispered before kissing me passionately. We let go and I said the only thing that came to mine.

"I love you Mike."

"Love you and your pepperoni breath."

"Shut up." I said while punching them playfully.


Me and Raph were getting ready to go bungee jumping off the empire state building. I had got the stuff ready because afterwards we were going on a picnic at battery park. He knocked on my door so i had to answer.

"Are you ready to leave on our great adventure."

"Yes." I said as we were leaving.

(If i forgot to mention all the girls have their own apartments because they are out of collage. P.S. everyone is 22).

TIME SKIP because no one wants to red about walking

We had just got to the top. I was having trouble getting my harness on. I couldn't get the strap to my rear on right. The guy who was supposed to be helping was stopped by my boyfriends death glare.

"Play nice." i said. He laughed and helped me get it on. I tried to ignore the fact that he just grabbed my butt. I was almost positive he did it on because he wanted to.

"I felt that."

"You were meant to." He smirked. After 30 minutes of rules me and Raph went. Before they pushed us off I grabbed his hand and kissed him right smack on the lips He kissed back. We lt go and jumped still hand in hand. "Love you Raph."

"Love you Jazzy." he yelled. (he calls me Jazzy because my favorite flower is Jasmine). Man I love him I thought as i screamed in terror.

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