Part 7 : Summer as parents

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John And Ellie wake up , It was a beautiful day in Hyannis Port , The sky was blue with white clouds . John wakes Ellie up giving her a kiss , Ellie comes out of her room to get her sons baby bottle she feeds him , John and Ellie eat breakfast toghther , " Ellie tells  John This " John aren't these cinnamon rolls yummy " John eating his scrambled eggs smiles at her " Ellie heads out to get ready she first has a bath then chooses a floral dress takes her rose perfume and puts it on . Ellie comes in and kisses John's cheek , She gives Parker a bath . The little boy's hands were cold

"Laura the funny,and non serious friend with short blonde hair and green eyes " Says his hands are so cold he's too cute too even be real god i would die to have a child like this " Ellie Replies " Just look at this little cute human isn't he adorable he's just a little angel and we're so lucky for having him " Laura smiles "

John decides to go for a walk in the beach , He asks her " Wanna come with me " Ellie said yes " In their walk were Ellie was holding her son , Ellie and John hugged each other seeing the beautiful sea in Hyannis Port. After their walk they had lunch after they had lunch , John told Ellie he was going to have a nap .

Ellie joins John in his nap .
30 minutes later John wakes up he woke up Ellie stands up to go downstairs while her friend Laura was feeding Parker . "John told Laura This"

"Laura you're such a helper thank you we really take your help in our consideration"

Laura says "I'm trying to do my best"

The couple sits outside in their backyard to see the sunset , Ellie feeding little Parker ,"Ellie says something to John " John should we have more children not right now maybe in about a year " John replies saying " lets wait about 2 years at least "

The couple sees the beautiful sun go down 'Ellie tells John' Let's go upstairs I'm tired Jack I have been almost all day taking care of Parker . Later on John is having a shower , Ellie is reading a book in her bed . The little Parker has light brown hair and blue eyes , John comes out of his shower ,'Ellie tells him ' Jack He looks so much like you I can't believe it Jack he might just look like you "

The couple had one of their best summer's together

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