Chapter #11 Ruined Roses

Start from the beginning

"Bloody hell mate, I can't even imagine"

"This house must have a charm to be this big"

"No doubt"

After walking a little bit Ron stumbled on a rock and fell, in the roses, luckily they didn't have thorns.


"I got you, Ron"

Oh, no

"Ron! The roses!"

"Bloody hell! What do we do?!"

"I don't know Ron! We need to fix this later, let's look for Hermione"

"Ok, but we need to fix this"

"Of course we need to fix it, now come on!"

We walked, then we saw a shack, and Hermione was reading in the window!

"Thank God we found her, I don't know how much more I could walk around this maze Harry"

We entered the shack and Hermione said

"Hello, where have you two been?"

"Where have WE been?!" Where have YOU been?!"


"Well, we have been looking for you, Charlotte is making dinner"

"Oh, how nice. What were you and Ron screaming about?"



"Oh, nothing. Come on"

Audrie's perspective

I looked in Hermione's room, she wasn't there. I'm headed to the library to see if I have any luck there. When I arrived at the doors of the library I remembered how my brother used to stay in here for hours... I hope we find him.

I start looking through the rows but find nothing, so I decided to go up the stairs to see if I find her... Nothing.

"Where are you, Hermione?"

Well, we know she Is in the house, maybe she went out? No, I don't think so. She must be around somewhere. There are a lot of locked rooms, so she's not in them. Maybe she is in the ballroom, I better check.

I ran through the hall to the ballroom, I open the doors and the first thing I see is the polished wooden floor. I knew the cleaning spell worked, but not THAT well. The beautiful chandeliers and the flower pots on the side tables, it's amazing... But Hermione is not here.

I run back down to the kitchen, to see Charlotte finishing dinner.

"It smells nice in here"

"Thank you, did you find Hermione?"

"No, I checked her room, the library, and the ballroom"

"Ballroom? Why the ballroom?"

"I don't know, they are big doors she could easily walkthrough"


"That's not the point, the point is that Hermione is not IN the house, but she could be outside the house"

"Well, Harry and Ron haven't come inside"

"Maybe they found her, maybe she was walking through the garden or in the shack!"

"Maybe, you should go check anyways"


I walk out of the kitchen to the garden and straight to the shack, where I find Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Who is standing by the roses?

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