Eight - Moving out

Start from the beginning

It feels like magic. I can't explain how much I have missed the feeling of his lips on my own. I deepen the kiss and pull him closer. His hands move to the back of my neck and I feel shivers go down my spine. My skin tingles at every touch. His hands send electricity souring through my body.

We eventually pull away for air and I smile up at him. "That was unexpected" I say breathlessly.

"I couldn't let you leave without kissing you again" he tells me.

"Trying to make sure I come back for more?"

"I already know you'll come back" he smiles. "You could never stay away for too long. As much as it doesn't feel like it right now, this is your home. It always will be"

I nod my head. "It is my home. It just feels a little empty right now"

"You deserve a break away from all this" he says. "You can return when you're ready. We can text and I can come visit if you want me to. This doesn't have to be it for us"

"I would like that very much" I reply.

I lean forward and plant another kiss on his lips. This one is much less desperate. It's softer and sweeter. I pull away from him and we both smile.

"Walk me out?" I ask.

He stands and holds his hand out to me. I smile and take it eagerly.

We walk all the way down towards the driveway. I spot Wanda and Clint standing outside the garage. The jet is ready and the doors are open, ready for us to enter.

"Finally" Wanda smiles.

"Sorry. We were chatting" I respond. She gives me a knowing smile but doesn't say anything else on the subject. I internally thank her for that. We can gossip about it later.

I take Steve's hand in my own and give it a squeeze. He smiles down at me. I turn around at the sound of footsteps and see Bucky and Sam walking towards us. My heart fills with so much warmth. This is it right here, being surrounded by my family is the most important thing to me. These people right here are all I have left and I would do anything for them. We stand together through even the toughest times.

"You didn't think you could really leave without saying goodbye, did you?" Sam says with a smile. As he walks towards me, I let go of Steve's hand and move to hug him.

"I'll miss your stupid face" I laugh into his shoulder.

"Ditto" he laughs back. "Take care won't you." I nod my head. "This will always be your home Andi. You're welcome back anytime"

"I'll come back" I tell him. I step away from him and smile. I watch as Bucky takes a few steps towards Wanda. She smiles up at him. I watch as they embrace. She giggles into his shoulder. The smile on her face is contagious. It's good to see her happy.

I turn back to face Sam. "Don't do anything stupid whilst I'm gone" I say softly. "Take care of Steve for me"

Sam nods his head. "Take care of yourself"

I give him one last hug before I head back over to Steve. He looks down at me sadly. "I'm really gonna miss you" he tells me.

"You have my number, we can talk anytime. And you can always come visit. It'll be good to see your face every now and then"

Steve just smiles and plants a light kiss on my forehead. "I refuse to say goodbye. This isn't a goodbye. This is just bye for now"

"Bye for now" I reply softly.

"Stay safe okay"

I nod my head. "Same goes for you." I tell him.

I pull him into another hug and place a kiss onto his cheek. "I'll see you soon" I tell him.

All he does is nod his head. I pull away from him and let out a sigh. I don't say anything else as I walk towards Wanda. She holds her hand out to me. I don't hesitate as I take her hand in my own and give it a tight squeeze.

"Take care of each other" Bucky says from behind me. I turn and smile up at him.


Wanda and I share a smile.

I give Bucky a hug and then begin to follow Wanda and Clint onto the jet. I turn around just before stepping inside and give the others a soft smile. The three of them are standing side by side, Steve's arm is around Bucky as they all smile up at us.

Goodbyes are never easy but it's not forever. We will return. I know we will. We just need a short break to allow ourselves to heal. We have both lost two of the most important people in our lives. Wanda never had the opportunity to mourn. We went straight into the battle with Thanos after we returned from the blip. It's important that we are both given the chance to heal from all the grief. We both need it.

I take ahold of Wanda's hand as we walk into the jet. Here's to the future.

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