"You shouldn't act strong when you're with me" Bryce words melted my heart and I couldn't resist the tear that rode down my cheeks. It felt so good knowing you have someone by your side, but that doesn't change the fact that I saw Bryce drinking here alone.

"We are having a meeting after this period, let's head out first". Bryce said then packed up to leave.

"Bryce why were you drinking here all alone" I had to say, I couldn't just ignore it.

With a smile he replied "I've had a long night with you, I needed something to keep me up" he then stood and dragged me up.
"C'mon let's leave we have more things to worry about.


"Before we commence I'd like to apologize to you, Sasha, for all I said last night" the meeting had started and Chic openly apologized.

"You don't have to but an apology coming out from a guy like you should really be appreciated" I replied with thick fake smile on my cheek.

"And tho you've been ignoring my texts all day long I'd like to apologize for ignoring your feelings" Henry stood up and said.

I know we should be focused on moving forward with the plan but I think we need to dissolve this first before it gets more awkward.

"Henry, I don't blame you for anything"

"So why have you been ignoring me?" He protested

"Seriously, you expect her to act like she's over you under nine hours?" Rebecca added rolling her eyes.

"You guys are making it seem like it was all my fault!" Henry said still looking at me

"Yea" Chic sniffed
"Not like the whole school knew she had feelings for you or something"


"Henry please I'm sorry for making it seem like it's your fault...

"But it looks like its somehow my fault, I've ignored your green lights all these years" he interrupted

"So then?" I walked towards Veronica and held her soft hand making her stand up then made her hand touch his.

"So you shouldn't ignore her feelings as well"

"Sasha" Veronica whispered

"So what were we saying about mr Honey?" I asked then I sat back, leaving them in utter confusion and admiration.

"I thought you would never ask cousin" Rebecca said standing in our midst.

"I went to Mrs potter and asked about our little situation and she told me that our conspiracy against Mr Honey is well known by the school administrators except for him, of course.

"So they know about everything?" Bryce finally said something

"Yes and she told me nothing more"

"So what should we do now that we know the school is well aware?" Veronica asked

"We should start something, kill him today if possible" Chic harshly replied

"You know we can't kill him" Rebecca said rolling her eyes

"Then we should punish him and kick him out of this town" he harshly replied again

"Okay Chic, why are you so worked up?" I had to ask

"After our meeting last night in Rebecca's house our friend here carried on the mission without telling us" Bryce answered pointing at Chic

"C'mon dude you didn't have to sell me out like that" chic sighed

"What you did was stupid and could cause suspicions you idiot" Rebecca stood back and angrily spat

"Oh no" veronica said "don't tell me you're the one that massacred his office last night?"

"What were you thinking?" Henry shouted

"I wa--s angry that night and I couldn't think straight so I went with Justin" he stammered

"Talking about that, where is justin?" I asked

"Well, we didn't know mr. Honey will come to his office that night, then he called justin separately and made him confess threatening him about his college application, making him confess that I was the one master mind behind the plan so Mr honey called his pops, I guess his serving his punishment at home" Chic explained

"Didn't he call your dad?" Veronica questioned

"No, he instead told me to clean his office the whole night and repaint it back, though it was still obvious I straggled the painting at the front of his office but I promised to paint it ones i get the proper color for it" chic continued

"I finshed everything by five in the morning, I felt grateful he didn't call my dad if not by now I would've been dead meat" he sighed but then later clenched his fist.

"When I went out to the parking lot I saw something my eyes couldn't bare to see. My Angelina Jolie was disfigured beyond repair"

By Angelina Jolie he meant his new sport car.

"He used the same spray can to paint every area of my car, scratched my seats and burst all my tyres"

"Wooh that man is wild" Rebecca scoffed fanning herself

"We need to do something and fast" Chic said before seating down

"First of all Chic this is not a revenge plan, we're just following orders" Bryce stated

"Well, if we do it with anger we'll do it better" he replied with an evil grin on his face.

"So Sasha what should we do?" Bryce and Henry said at the same time with a smile gaining attention from everyone"

"Ehhh me?" I asked confused

"C'mon cousin I will let you be the brains of this operation I have an election to take care of anyways, you better think fast" Rebecca answered looking the other way folding her arms.

"I need a little time to th..." I tried to say but Veronica cut me off

"C'mon best friend we have no time for this"




"I think I have an idea" I ended with a nasty smile on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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