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The Cures noticed that the one behind everything was obviously a new villain. He summoned another type of Yaraneeda.)

Manatsu: Who's that person?

Sango: Manatsu, you've gotta transform!

Manatsu: But...

Laura: Transform, girls!

They transformed.)

Cure Summer: I-I can't see anything... *she transformed too, even though she couldn't feel her motivation very well*

The others were able to see again, but at that moment, they were so scared that they couldn't do anything. The villain disappeared.)

Cure Summer: What... just where did that person go?

The Yaraneeda began to attack the cures, since they made too much noise. They were screaming and trying to find a moment to attack too, but couldn't. The monster laughed evilly. A roof tile fell on the head of Cure Papaya, she was crippled and couldn't do anything anymore. The others continued to run in different directions, trying to find some place to hide.)

Cure Coral: PAPAYA! *she wanted to know if Cure Papaya was fine*

They stopped from hiding, Cure Coral was helping Cure Papaya and they could all fight again. The new Yaraneeda seemed strong...)

Cure Coral: We need something to stop that monster! *that thought crossed her mind, but she didn't want to say it out loud*

Cure Summer: Maybe if we fight back, it'll get discouraged!

Cure Flamingo: But how?! We don't know where it is!

Cure Coral: Here! *she noticed it* Hold this, Summer!

Cure Summer: What's that, some kind of... sharp stick?

Cure Coral: Yeah, but watch out! It'll hurt!

Cure Flamingo: Can't you make it bigger or something?

Cure Coral: No, sorry.

They did the attack, Cure Papaya attacked too and the monster got defeated and the motivation detected by Laura's mermaid aqua pot about 7 minutes later.)

The cures were looking at it, a little bit afraid of what was going to happen next.)

Cure Summer: I hope it's purified.

Cure Papaya: Me too...

They all detransformed.)

Minori: That Yaraneeda was really scary.. 

Sango: But can we stop for a second? The tile the monster was stepping on... looks a bit familiar.

They all looked at it, and sure enough, it was the tile from the roof of an old underwater palace that came here by mistake. And the new one was complete, almost like it had been spared for a reason.)

Laura: Huh... That palace...! It was a palace from another queen of Grand Ocean! Maybe that monster was after the gem from the corpse of that queen! Maybe that's why it saved that tile!

Manatsu: There was a gem?

Laura: Yeah, but I've never heard of a gem that could make someone immortal or something. But anyway, let's keep going. We need to get the last fragments before any villain or monster comes back again...

They were really excited now, there was a NEW mystery to solve here, and who knows, they might even run into the same villain they just fought its Yaraneeda against on his next return!) /This is nothing to get happy about/

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