Chapter 1: Convenience Store Blues

Start from the beginning

With nightfall, YN felt the chill that the sun's absence had allowed. While the fuel pumped, he took this opportunity to put his jacket on. Looking up to the convenience store in front him, YN checked his phone to see what time it was.

YN: Nope, dead.

It was then that reality hit him, he had neglected to bring his car-phone charger.

YN: *sigh* I really hope this place has a charger.

YN walked up the door, and peered inside.

YN: Yep, it's open alright.

YN walked around the aisles, looking for cheap provisions, and most importantly, a way to charge his phone.

Seeming as this was a truck stop, the convenience store was much like a miniature grocery store. Along with its rows of junk food and surgery drinks, there was also area's for toiletries, personal hygiene products, and other small items that a trucker might want while on the job.

Coming upon an aisle of what seemed to be mostly electronics, YN looked about to find himself a charger for his phone. Searching up and down, what mostly populated this isle were all sorts of gimmick products, cheap souvenirs, and countless phone cases. Finding what he assumed was the hook for a charger and bending down to see it, YN was devastated to see a "OUT OF STOCK. MORE ON THE WAY" sign hanging from where a charger should be.

Standing back up, YN looked from side to side, trying to find perhaps a different charger. Something, anything that would charge his phone.

Part of what went along on this journey of his was an app on his phone. It was an educational app. One of the requirements for the opportunity YN was given, was to read, watch videos, and all other sorts of tasks on the app, and then take a test on the material. Having to do this once a day, YN was running out of time to be able to take his test.

Frantically looking about, a solution was finally found. Taking the box off its hook, YN read the cover out loud to himself.

YN: 'Solar battery pack and phone charger.'

Flipping the box over, YN read the back as well.

YN: 'Charge your mobile devices anywhere the sun shines.'

Taking one last look around the aisle, YN was confidant that this was his only option.

Having bought the power pack, his food for the day, and paying for his gas, YN sighed at the last two remaining bills in his wallet.

YN: I really hope the next place takes cards.

Getting back into his car, YN moved to a parking space, ate his food, hooked his phone up to the halfway charged from the box power pack, watched his lesson, and took his test.

For being in the middle of nowhere with no cellular signal, YN had realized that the app must have all its lessons and tests stored locally. He still had no idea why this was required of him, but the entire thing was being put on by a reputable company, the same one that had given YN the opportunity he had chosen to take.

The lessons were usually very light, quick, and very easy. He had done tests on everything from basic biology, basic finances, to even once simply having to listen a piece of music and say how it made him feel.

Having finished, YN shifted about in the car, putting away his things in the tiny space he had. The little car, while cramped, and lacking any real creature comforts, and safety equipment (or cup holders for that matter) had been good to him.

Before heading back out on the road, YN stepped out from his car once more and stretched. As he did, YN looked back up to the large neon lights above him.

For a brief second, it was as if the lights from the sign, the gas station, and store, had all gone out at once and left him in pitch black darkness, but during this second, he felt weightless, and as if a hand had caressed his face.

YN shook his head and shut his eyes, trying to shake off what he perceived as drowsiness, and got back into the car.

As he reached to put the keys into the ignition his mind felt heavy, and as he inserted the keys and twisted, the gauge cluster lights came on in anticipation, but as soon as they did, the same thing as earlier happened again.

It seemed as if the power for the neon signs, station, and store all flickered off again in unison, leaving him again blind in the darkness.

But what was the strange about this time was the lights on the gauge cluster seemed to go out with them, or was he just imagining that? Was he really this tired? Should he even drive?

He reached around the darkness of the interior, first trying to find the dome light, only to stop when he heard a voice whisper in his ear;

???: Will you assist my beloved?

No. No no no no. He needed light, and he needed it now. Fumbling around he reached instead to his left trying to find the headlight switch.

But as soon as he was able to turn them on, all the lights of rest stop came back to life.

YN looked around, looking for the source of the voice, but to no avail, it went undiscovered. Besides from the clerk inside he handed his money to, he was the only person at this truck stop.

Again, YN wondered if he was simply too tired to function.

YN: I really should sleep...

No, he has a deadline, he has to tough it out.

The car fired up, and YN was off into the cool night.


With the truck stop far behind him, the road continued on for a long time.

With the current radio station starting to fade to static, YN grabbed the dial and proceeded to search for something, anything to break the silence.

Radio: -nd you're listening to Classic Country! Radio station KX-(heavy static)

YN: That cut out rather quick. Am I under some power lines or something?

YN tried leaning forward and looking up out of the windshield, but was cut off by the sound of a not-so-familiar, familiar voice.

???: You will help my beloved, won't you?

YN sat straight back, and grabbed the rear view mirror and angled it down and to the right to where the sound had came from.

He could only see the black figure of woman, sitting in his back seat. He had never seen anything like it. Almost like it were CG, but really good CG.

After what seemed like the longest few seconds of his life, he jerked his torso around to look upon the apparition with his own eyes.


Nothing but an empty seat.

YN: I really, really just need to pull over and sleep. Something isn't right with me.

He started to press the brake to slow down and pull of the road, but no sooner then he took his foot of the gas and moved it, a light came across the horizon. A very bright light.

YN: I guess that trucker really wants to avoid the weight scales if he's coming this far out of the way.

However, YN quickly realized this light wasn't the headlights of a wayward trucker. It was approaching much too quickly, and much to bright.

???: You will help him won't you?

YN's eyes darted back up the rear-view mirror, where the apparition had re-appeared.

He turned again back to the back seat, which remained empty. Turning back to the road, the light was much bigger, brighter, and closer.

His eyes moved back to the rear-view mirror, where the apparition still remained, which only prompted him to turn back yet again to the empty seat. And back to the road to an even bigger light.

The rear-view.

The back seat.

The road.

The light.

The rear-view.

The backseat.

The road.

The light.

???: You will help him won't you? Say that you will.

The rear-view. The backseat. The road. The light. The rear-view. The backseat. The road. The light.

???: Please...

YN: Uh lady I don't know if you're able to tell but we've got something big headed right for us. You might wanna stop freaking me the HELL out and let me concentrate on not getting us both killed.

???: Please say that you will help him. Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please-

YN truly could not tell what was happening or what to do. He was too concerned with his guest to pull over, but if he didn't he'd surely die at the hands of whatever was coming towards him.

His attention flashed between it all.

The rear-view. The backseat. The road. The light.

Rear-view. Backseat. Road. Light. Rear-view. Backseat. Road. Light. Rear-view. Backseat. Road. Light. Rear-view. Backseat. Road. Light. Rear-view. Backseat. Road. Light. Rear-view. Backseat. Road. Light.

???: Please help him. I love him so much. I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him I love him—

YN at this point tore the wheel to left. He didn't care what he ran into or off of.

The car spun it's tires on the ground. YN could hear himself driving over unknown amounts of debris, the tires kicking up rocks and dirt.

It was then he noticed the light was not on the horizon, or even on the road. This light that simply manifesting in front of car itself.


???: Thank you. You have my gratitude.

YN then felt a hand rest on his shoulder. He could only look down and see a black hand laying across his shoulder, and watched as the darkness melted away, leaving pale skin. He was able to catch a single view of the hands owner, moments before they vanished in the brightness from the light.

A silver haired girl with amethyst eyes.

And were those.... elf ears?

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