car crash

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Ranboo had left after a small talk, I needed to go to my uncles house to get my things.

I left the house after Karl and Sapnap Had fallen Asleep on the couch cuddling each other.

Truth is. I wasnt busy last night, I was at my uncles house, He hit me with a wooden bat over and over again, Im surprised im not dead, but i do bave defend bruises on my arms.

As I driving my car, trying to forget what had happened in my uncles house, i remembered what he said.

You cant be gay.
You're disgusting.
I hate you.
This is why bad left you.
Its all because of you.

Tears were filling up my eyes, My vision was getting blurry, Fucking hell, Sweater weather was playing in the background.
What the fuck.

I saw Light Shining so bright, My vision was now so blurry.

It was a fucking car. I steered the wheel to the left. And-

Third person POV

"He has Memory loss, hes okay, he might not remember small things, but hes fine now, you may come in."

The doctor said to Karl and Quackity as their face paled.

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