Part 12: A Ferry, A Foot, And A Coin

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Prosecution- (noun) The institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge.

My dear reader. You join me as we begin to close out this harrowing and confusing tale.

As you are aware, Link and Amelia are going to give things a chance as they are expecting a baby. How interesting. But who knows exactly what brought Link to Seattle to begin with besides Amelia?

I certainly don't so there must have been a part of this story I have left out, or skipped over without realizing.

So let us travel back a few days to why Link originally came to Seattle.


"Im going where and why?" Link asked in a deeply confused tone.

"Seattle. The Shepherd's live there. The same group who was responsible for shooting their father, I have reason to believe is the same man who burnt down your parents hotel." Georgina said pouring the hot cup of coffee.

"Wait seriously?" Link asked, years he had wondered who caused the fire that killed his parents so quickly.

"So are you willing to go to Seattle to figure it out. You'll have to talk to both of the Shepherd's to see what they remember." Georgina said handing him a manila envelope full of papers.

"Yes. I need answers. And I'm more than sure the Shepherd's want answers as well." Link answered flipping through the pages of information and scribbles.

"So I have equipped you with all the information you'll need to see if the two line up, if they do then we have our answer." Georgina said as she typed on her computer.

"Micheal Oaks? That's the guy you think shot Christopher Shepherd?" Link asked as he looked at the mugshot photo in the folder.

"Yeah. He had already been arrested for shoplifting but got out so." Georgina shrugged as she pushed the chair of her desk in.

"Okay well I'm gonna go. See you Georgina." Link said picking up all his things from the desk.

"Be safe. Enjoy your trip." Georgina smiled as Link shut the door of her office.


"So you both have to confirm this is the person you have seen." Officer Jacobs explained showing the mugshot to Amelia and Link.

"That's him. That's exactly how the bell hop described him." Link confirmed looking at the mugshot of the man.

Reader, have you ever seen a picture that makes you feel like it's staring at you. You look the picture in the eyes and it's like it has stared through your soul?

That is exactly how Amelia and Link felt as they looked at the mugshot of Micheal Oaks. The man shot Christopher Shepherd and set Eric and Maureen's hotel room ablaze.

"That's him. I remember his soulless eyes when he shot him." Amelia said shakily.

Link wrapped his arms around Amelia as she began to cry softly. Link carefully wiped her tears with his thumb.

"Is going to be okay. He's finally going to get caught." Link kissed her head softly.

"H-how did you find him?" Amelia stuttered through her tears.

"He dropped two identical vintage coins at the site of the fire and at the convenience store. Then he had identical shoe  prints in the dirt outside the hotel and outside the store." Officer Jacobs said showing them the evidence photos.

"Wow." Amelia said as her jaw fell open. Amelia couldn't believe after all these years they had finally found the man that killed her father.

"Security cameras at the hotel caught him along with the bellhop, and a bystander of the store was able to identify him as he ran off. So our officers can go get him into custody." Officer Jacobs explained as he began to dial his partner.

"Thank you so much." Link said as he softly rubbed circles onto Amelia's back as she cried.

"Doing my job." Officer Jacob said softly closing the door behind himself.

"It's okay Amelia. It's almost over. They got him." Link whispered holding her hands.

"I know. I just- hormones." Amelia chuckled softly.

"It's going to be okay. We're okay." Link pulled Amelia into a hug as her breathing evened.

"Thank you." Amelia sighed holding Link's hand in hers.

"I told you I'm not leaving. I'm in this for the long haul. But it was my parents too. I'm relieved and can breath for the first time in a long time." Link admitted.

Well my reader, I leave you here today. The man who killed Christopher and burned Eric and Maureen's hotel room to the ground, was finally identified.

He was finally in custody for the crimes he committed and for the first time, Amelia and Link could breathe.

I hope you'll join me tomorrow for our final installment in this twisty story. Until this.

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