Part 6: Seattle, Washington

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Ersatz-(adjective) Of a product made or used as a substitute, typically an inferior one, for something else.

My favorite readers. You join me again today as we learn another installment full of secrets in this ever changing, ever confusing story line.

Today I shall take you from New York to Seattle. Seattle home of things like Starbucks, the Mariners and most importantly to us- Grey+Sloan Memorial Hospital.

A woman with blonde hair and a man with dark hair stood at a nurses station chatting about.

"Oh my god." Amelia exasperated as she walked to the nurses station. Amelia was in a panic. But the other doctors had no idea why.

"What happened Amy?" Derek asked. Derek Shepherd, reader do you remember him? Briefly mentioned in our first installment.

Not relevant, back to our story. Let's find out why Amelia was so panicked.

"I fucked up my life." Amelia spat out angrily as she slapped a small white stick onto the counter.

"You're pregnant?" The dirty blonde haired woman said her eyes going wider than a ceramic plate.

"Yes." Amelia answered in despair as she ran her fingers through her dark hair.

"Is this not good?" Derek asked not bothering to look up from his tablet. He didn't need to, he had his answer from his wife before he even got to glance up.

"No this is not good Derek. I cannot have a baby. Not right now and not like this." Amelia sighed her hands covering her head as it dipped down.

"Why not? I'm sure Owen is going to be thrilled." The blonde haired woman tried to comfort Amelia.

Blonde haired woman- Meredith Grey. Derek who is Amelia's big brother. That is his wife. Owen is Owen Hunt, that is her husband- friend with benefits- the person she calls for sex? We aren't quite sure, again lots of these details are foggy.

The source they've been found in well some aren't the best. They leave out parts meaning you and I readers use our imagination for some. Back to the point.

"Because it's not Owen's baby. This pregnancy wasn't from him." Amelia admitted looking at her hands in shame.

"WHAT?" Derek screeched finally being fully aware of the conversation.

"I slept with this guy when I went away like 2 months ago. I dont even know his name. We didn't get that far." Amelia picked at the skin around her nails avoiding looking at Meredith and Derek in the eyes.

"You clearly got pretty far." Meredith joked, but then regretting it as Amelia burst into a pile of tears.

"That was inconsiderate, I'm sorry." Meredith wrapped her arms around Amelia's shoulders. Meredith rubbed soothing lines up and down Amelia's upper arm.

"I don't know what to do, what do I do?" Amelia sobbed.

Meredith and Derek to be honest were speechless. They didn't know how to tell her anything because they had never dealt with this before.

"You could put the baby up for adoption." Meredith said in a comforting voice.

"And let the kid hate me 18 years later when they find out I abandoned them?" Amelia sighed picking her head back up.

"You don't have to keep the baby." Derek offered, unsure of what to say.

"I can't get an abortion. I just can't." Amelia cried into her hands.

"Well you could have the baby. You could have a little girl or boy." Meredith smiled. Meredith knew how panicked Amelia was especially because she had to tell Owen.

"I guess. I don't know what happens when they have to do family trees in school and I can't tell them because their dad was a one night stand with a total stranger." Amelia sighed.

"You have time. If you want to have this baby, we are all here for you. We are going to love you and that little baby no matter what." Derek hugged Amelia.

"Thank you Derek." Amelia said more tears clouding her vision.

Well reader, I didn't see that coming. Such an odd part of this odd story- It almost makes it look normal. Like it's the most normal part of this story. Until I see you again. Have a good morning, afternoon , night from whatever part of the world you're in.

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