Chapter 15

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Wyatt watches as Mike attempts to write Jessica's valedictorian speech while they distant lunch. He's sitting with Bella, Edward, Angela, Eric, Mike, and Jessica. Jasper and Alice are here, they just haven't sat down yet.m

"My fellow students. Cool. Right?"

"Totally," Wyatt muses.

"Wow, okey," Matt mutters. "Right? -- Cute. We are the future. Anything is possible...  ... if you just believe."

"Nice," Angela and Wyatt comment in sync.

"Blah, blah, blah... perfect," Mike says. "And you got yourself a speech." The dirty blonde male rips the page out of his notebook and he hands it to Jess.

"No, this will be my speech... when I want everyone to throw diplomas at my head," Jessica says. "So, no." She crumbles up the paper with Mike's poor excuse for a speech and she throws it at his face.

"Ya gotta embrace the cliches, Jess," Mike boasts.

"They have the bread and butter of all valedictorians," Eric adds.

"And that is why you're not valedictorian," Angela scolds her boyfriend. "And Jess doesn't need cliches. Speech is gonna be epic."

"Epic?" Jessica scoffs. "It'll change lives."

Jasper and Alice suddenly pop and they sit on either side of Wyatt.

"I decided to throw a party!" Alice chirps.

"After all, how many times are we gonna graduate high school?" Jasper asks.

Edward and Wyatt stifles smiles as they share a look.

"A party?' Angela asks, "at your place?"

"I've never seen your house," Jess claims.

"No one's ever seem their house," Eric says.

"Another party, Alice?" Edward asks.

"It'll be fun!" Alice chirps.

"That's what you said the last time," Bella mumbles.

Wyatt frowns. He wasn't there then. His mom had just found out she was pregnant with him on Bella's eighteenth birthday three months, nearly four months ago. He sees Alice freeze up and goes into a vision. He and Edward attempt to 'wake her up' whole mole starts raplomg about the party dress code, food, and such. Wyatt distracts Mike by talking about their upcoming graduation.

That night, after Edward and Bella leave for Florida to see Bella's mom, Renee Dwyer, the Cullens all stand outside to chase Victoria while Wyatt does his homework at Sam and Emily's place. He went to tell Sam about Alice's vision, with his parents' permission, and he stayed because Emily baked cookies.

"Are you sure this is where you saw her?" Jasper asks his wife.

"She's almost hwre," Alice replies. "On your left!"

Emmett and Mary explode to their left and the others behind them. Jasper and Carlisle go wide while Rosalie and Elias are behind Emmett and Matt, Alice and Esme follow up in the rear as they chase the red headed vampire. The wolf pack join in on the chase when Victoria jumps and lands on their side of the treaty. Sam is on the lead, Jared and Paul behind him and then Quil and Embry and Jacob.

Victoria jumps back onto the Cullen side and Emmett manages to get ahold of her. Vic uses the momentum against him and she flings him off and into a tree. Seeing red, Emmett follows Victoria across the ravine.

"Emmett, don't!" Esme calls out.

Emmett is already across. Paul turns and he growls. Emmett being Emmett refuses to jump back, that's just how he is. It's not in Emmett's style to run from a fight. Paul thorns with bravado, which only makes Emmett smile.

"Rose, your husband's crazy," Mary says.

"I know."

Embry looks at Mary and he remembers her from the pictures Wyatt showed him. His boyfriend's mom.

"That's Wyatt's mom?' Jared asks, he's never seen her like Sam and Paul have. 'Damn. He's got a hot mom... don't tell Kim I said that.'

'Your secret's safe with me,' Embry replies smugly.

"Paul got his fight, just not in the way he wanted," Mary says in annoyance. "Hey, Sam."

The solid black wolf huffs in greeting. He nods toward Embry and Mary smirks.

"So, you're the one who imprinted on my boy?" Mary asks and the wolf lowers, causing Quil and Jared to cackle through mindlink. "Your wolf is pretty, I'll give you that. I'll see you guys later."

Mary kisses Carlisle before she bolts, knowing they've lost Victoria because of Emmett and Paul's immaturity.

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