Charlie looks at her before scooting his legs over, leaving Lillie room to sit by his hip. She climbs on, tucking a leg under her.

"Think you're okay to tell me what happened?" she says softly. He nods.

Lillie knows immediately who pranked Charlie. The uncertain, hollow concern that she was feeling is steadily replaced with hot rage as he tells her what happened to him. She listens with a hardened expression as he tells her the cruelty of the event, of the roaring terror he felt at hearing You-Know-Who's voice.

"I remember thinking," he says, "This is it. My life is over."

"Fucking hell," Lillie says, unable to comprehend how he must have been feeling.

"I knew he wouldn't kill me, but... I thought I had more time. Before..."

Lillie's gaze narrows, "Before what?"

"I mean, I knew it wasn't the Dark fucking Lord when the git said something about turning Dumbledore into a teapot," he continues, not answering her question.

"Charlie," she says, "Before what?"

Charlie sighs, "The Death Eaters are forming ranks again. Everyone knows it. It's all Crabbe and Goyle and Malfoy talk about," he pauses, "People in Slytherin are choosing sides."

"What do you mean choosing sides?"

"Either you agree to fight, or you get killed when they come back. Along with the muggles and mudbloods." They're silent.

"And," Lillie says, "What did you choose?" She's afraid to ask.

He doesn't answer. He picks at the cuticle of his thumb, avoiding her glare. "Charlie?" she says, her voice suddenly more commanding.

"I chose them." Lillie sighs, looking out the window and chewing her lip. "What did you expect?" he asks, "What other choice do I fucking have?"

"You say no!" she snaps, "You say 'No, I not gonna kill innocent people.'"

"I'd die, Lillie," he says calmly. The draught prevents him from yelling back at her.

"No you wouldn't!" she says, "It's not going to get that bad. Dumbledore has a plan, and Harry-"

"No, Lillie. It is going to get that bad. They have more wizards behind them than anyone even thinks. They're going to take the ministry, within the next couple years. I have to choose."

Lillie's crying, now. She doesn't sob like Charlie was; her tears flow smoothly and silently, making little plopping sounds on the bedspread.

"We don't have to talk about that now," he says. He moves his body to the side, making room for her. She lays next to him, slipping under the covers and leaning her head against his chest. They're on their sides, turned towards each other.

"I'm sorry," he whispers into her hair. She just shakes her head and closes her eyes, allowing tears to squeeze out. He sniffles; he's crying too, but much more calmly than he was before.

As she lays there, falling asleep to the beating of his heart, she realizes she loves him. She cares about him so deeply, she so badly wants to keep him safe, that she'd do anything to help him get out of this.

Of course, she doesn't love him in the way that she loves Fred.


Charlie sits with his legs hanging off the side of his bed, still in his pajamas. He stares into space while Lillie waits, already dressed in her uniform.

"We're not gonna have time for breakfast if you don't hustle," she says lightly, tying her hair up loosely and wiping her fingers under her eyes, clearing away her smudged makeup. Charlie stands without a word, dressing mechanically. Lillie realizes with a start that this is the first time she's seen him unclothed, and she blushes and averts her eyes. He isn't indecent; his briefs stayed on, but she's flustered all the same.

CHRYSALIS - FRED WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now