Chapter 9

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"This was fun. Thanks." I said.

"No problem." Said Dabi.

"Don't worry. Keigo is all yours. You know after his week." I said.

"Week?" Asked Dabi.

"Well there's a reason I'm out here. My sister and mom. They know I like him like of a friend. A brother maybe." I said.

"I wasn't worried. I mean have you seen me." Said Dabi.

"Yeah. Disgusting." I said.

We went are separate ways. Me into the forest and his way where ever that may be. I set up my camp site by a waterfall. I listened to the sounds of the water running against the rock. The trees swaying in the wind.

So quite and beautiful. I like it here. I might go here more often. It was starting to get dark. So I started a fire and are dinner. My phone was turner off so I'd anyone wanted me they would have to wait.

I ate my dinner and covered the fire with sand. Then I but all my stuff with me in the tent. I then fell asleep.

When I woke up the sun was raising. I sat there watching it raise above the trees. Lighting up everything around it. I ate some breakfast and got dressed in a bathing suit. I walked down to the water.

I jumped in. Feeling the rush as the water touched my skin. Its smooth and wet feeling. My tail grew as soon as I was submerged in the water. Dark blue that fades to light blue. Plus gills that form on my neck.

I swam for hours looking at the depths of the underground caves.

I collected things that seemed interesting. I went down this one cave. As I went in the cave crumbled behind me.

I wasn't worried much. I could be under water for days if I needed. So I wondered the cave looking for any kind of light. I saw light ahead. I swam fast to it. Making sure it was safe. Then realised it was part of the ocean.

I went through it swimming into the big sea. It was so pretty. Fish and plant life covered the bottom.

Light streamed down like spot lights. I was just taking in the show. I went up to the surface to see where I was. I wasn't that far from camp. And it was only noon.

I stayed around the cave entrance but explored everything. Collected more things. Then I saw someone coming. I hid as I saw them go into the cave. They had deep diving equipment on. I followed slowly behind. Staying out of view.

They swam to a wall. They pushed a rock. It opened showing a underground place. They went in and I followed. I hid as the door shut. I hid in the thick mossy shrubs. I could hear them.

"Were we followed?" Asked the woman.

"No, why?" Asked the man.

"I have a feeling we were." Said the woman.

"Well maybe we lost them when the door closed." Said the man.

He set his head gear on the rock. This place was huge. It had so much space. I got up higher so I could see more.

"Ok we are being watched." Said the woman.

I sunk back down hiding more.

"How can you tell? There's no one here. Plus no bubbles indicating they are hiding bellow." Said the man.

"Just a feeling." Said the woman.

"Like what kind?" Asked the man.

"Like mermaids." Said the woman.

"But we killed all of them." Said the man.

"Not that one." Said the woman.

She was pointing at me. I swam down as they came closer going to the door. I started to hit rocks. One opened it. I heard water splashing behind me.  I turned to see them coming to me. They saw me.

My eyes caught theirs. Whoever they are they are not nice. I swam fast to the beach. I swim extremely faster then a normal human. Then go on land and ran. I ran all the way to my camp site. I packed up quickly and took off away from there.

When I got to the bus stop I stopped thinking about it. It was almost night. I sat there catching my breath. I was looking at my feet.

"Get on lady!" Yelled the bus driver.

"Oh sorry." I said.

I got on and they took off. Mermaid hunters. I've heard of them. One of the reasons I don't go into the ocean. They saw me. They know who I am by now probably.

So it's not safe to just go anywhere now. But I also know what they look like. I got to the stop by UA and ran inside. I stopped and looked behind me. No one there.

I walked up to our common room.

"Oh good your back." Said Stanley.

Mha - Engaged since birthWhere stories live. Discover now