Scott took a whiff of the hospital gown as we set off, pin-pointing her scent before passing it to me in the back seat. I copied his actions, Allison's face widening as she started piecing things together. "You're a werewolf too?"

"Yup." I popped the P. I always imagined this conversation going down more dramatically, you know, her being a hunter and all.

"I don't know why you're so shocked, you've seen me as my wolf before." I giggled slightly, knowing she would have to work it out.

Her face scrunched in confusion for a moment before her eyebrows relaxed and her jaw dropped slightly. "You fought the alpha, you were the one trying to protect us." She realised, her gaped face forming a smile.

"In the flesh." I answered, "literally this time."

"So my boyfriend and one of my best friends are werewolves and my other best friend probably something else supernatrual. God this sounds like a bad TV show." She answered, causing me to laugh, Scott shook his head smirking.

"So if she's turning will they actually kill her?" Stiles asked, changing the subject.

"I don't know. They won't tell me anything, okay? All they say is; 'we'll talk after Kate's funeral when the other's get her.'"

"Others? More hunters in town, because that's exactly what we need right now." I said sarcastically.

"Okay your family's got some serious communication issues to to work on. Do you two know if we're going the right way?"

"Next right." We said in unison, both focusing on the scent.

We ended up at the Hale house, the four of us trying to come up with logical explanations. "She came here? Are you sure?"

"Her scent leads here." I answered, even if she wasn't here, me and Scott had completed the task we had been given.

"Has Lydia ever been here?" Stiles turned to face us.

"Not with me."

"Me either. Maybe she panicked and ended up here or something."

"Yeah Ari's right mabye she came here on instinct, like she was looking for Derek." Allison added to the possibility, the three of us still edging closer to the property.

"You mean looking for an alpha?"

"Wolves need a pack right?" Allison suggested.

"Not all of them." Scott cut off.

"Right but would she have been drawn to an alpha? Is it an instinct to be part of a pack?"

"Maybe for Scott's species? Wolves are stronger in packs." I answered, genuinely considering the possibility.

"Like strength in numbers."

"No, like literally stronger, faster, better in every way."

"Speak for your own kind Scotty." I teased, knowing full well my situation was entirely different considering who I was.

He rolled his eyes at me as Ally continued, piecing things together. "That the same for an alpha?"

"Yup. Derek's stonger with a pack of wolves around him." I pitched in, Scott nodding.

"Woah hey look at this" Stiles called, bending down to look at a trip wire as Allison bent down beside him. "I think it's a trip wire."

Stiles being Stiles, he pulled it, sending Scott into the air by his feet as I burst into laughter. Although karma hit me instantly, Allison had mirrored the curious action with a second wire, neother of them realising what they had done. Scott laughed at my unfortunate timing, the two of us now hanging upside down beside the trees.

Divine Serendipity • Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now