Step One: Survive

Start from the beginning

The next morning came way to early as I heard someone shout “Fifteen minutes initiates!” I opened my eyes to see Eric standing in the doorway of the room smirking at the initiates slowly groaning or barely waking up. I just stood up out of bed and started walking to the bathroom, the one bathroom.

I felt a pair of eyes on me as I walked to the bathroom and turned to see Eric looking stunned that I would be confident enough to walk around in basically nothing. I merely smirked at him before I rounded the corner into the bathroom. Guys are so predictable.


I walked to the initiates room to hear sleeping bodies. It happens every year that the first night they aren’t programmed to wake up at certain time so they sleep in late. I always take joy in waking them up and seeing them hate life or curse. It’s a great past time of mine to see other people in pain. Is that a bad thing?

I walked into the room and shouted loudly “Fifteen minutes initiates!” As if on queue all the initiates started groaning and I even heard a faint “Fuck.” somewhere from in the room. I smiled at the scene until I saw what absolutely floored me. The big mouth Candor was walking to bathroom in just her bra and underwear. Nothing else. How could someone be so confident in front of people she doesn’t even know? I didn't realize I was staring until she turned and saw me. She smirked and rounded the corner. How dare she smirk at me like that! No girl gets the best of me! She was going to pay.

I stormed out of the room and went to the training room that we had for the initiates. I punched the nearest punching bag and scowled at it as it shook.

“Not happy princess?” Four asked me in a sarcastic tone.

“Shut the fuck up Four.” I said to him as I went and sat on top of the table holding the knives that the initiates would be using today.


I showered, did my hair and make up and changed into my clothes. When I looked into the mirror I noticed for the first time how red my hair looked against my all black outfit. For years I had been dying my hair so I could get the perfect red color that didn't look fake. It was more of a burgundy red color and I loved it. My mom had been buying hair dye off of a Dauntless friend of hers for years. They were both Candor and she switched factions. Dauntless is the only faction that has hair dye so my mom started buying it from the former Candor friend and then started buying me some when I asked for her to dye my hair too.

Gradually over the years my mom has added more and more of the dye into my shampoo until it was the color I wanted; the red shade looking fantastic now. I had on a skin tight black top that hung off the shoulders, my new favorite super skinny jeans and my black combat boots, my lip ring standing out on my face.

“You look awesome.” Jade said to me as she stepped out of the shower.

“Thanks.” I said passively and walked down to get food before I would have to be in the training room. I quickly grabbed three muffins from one of the tables and turned back around to get to the room. I ended up outside the room with a few minutes to spare and handed Jade and Calum a muffin so we could all eat before we went inside.

We walked in together and joined the forming group that was standing in front of Eric and Four. Eric looked like his normal cheery self with a scowl on his face. Four looked hella amused by whatever had Eric on edge, looking at him occasionally and smiling.

“Today we will begin training with learning how to throw knives at a target.” Four said as he picked up a few knives. He rested in his palm and then threw it, landing it dead center of the board. He threw the other few he had in his hand and then turned to us. “I will only throw one more and then you will each stand in front of a target and practice for yourselves.” Four said. He threw the last one and I watched every movement he made, the way he took a moment to weigh the knife in his hand, the way he exhaled then inhaled, retracted his arm, and released with his whole arm flicking the wrist ever so slightly so it went sailing end over end finally embedding in the wood of the target, dead center just like the others.

We all started walking to our stations mine being next to Jade and an Abnegation transfer whose name was Cara. All the initiates started throwing knives at the boards with Four and Eric watching. I took a moment before I started throwing though and remembered what Four had done. I slowly took the knife in my hand, retracted my arm, and flung my wrist without letting go of the knife; simply practicing the motion. I did this a few more times before I heard someone speak in my ear.

“It helps if you throw the actual knife initiate.” Eric seethed into my ear. I rolled my eyes at him like I had before. “Do that one more time, I dare you. You will learn to respect authority.” He said to me as I narrowed my eyes at him and rolled the very exaggeratingly. I respected authority but something about Eric just irritated me beyond belief. I didn't care if I was nice to him or pissed him off.

Eric pulled the knives off the table and yelled out to everyone “Everyone stop.” Everyone slowly stopped and looked over at us. “Nikki here doesn’t want to listen to authority so we are going to demonstrate why you should listen. Four assist me here?” Eric said to Four as he handed him 5 knives. “Four here is going to throw these knives at you. You are going to stand with your back to that target. If you flinch at all, you will punished severely, if you move you will be punished, if you close your eyes you will be punished. Understand?” Eric said to me with the look of murder in his eyes. I opened my eyes so they looked doe like, pouted out my bottom lip and nodded my head innocently in a very sarcastic way. I wasn’t scared of knives. So what.

I stood with my back against the wall facing Four. He looked like he was doing this cause Eric was telling him not cause he actually wanted to hurt me. Four was obviously the understanding one in the pair of heartless Dauntless trainers. He took the first knife in hand, retracted and threw. The knife landed right next to my right arm. The next knife was already in his hand, he retracted again and the knife flew end over end into the board next to my left arm. The third knife was in his hand, he took a deep breath and then sent it flying into the board just above my head.

“Since you did that so bravely Nikki and were practicing your technique so much, why don’t you throw the last knife and have one of your initiates stand there.” Eric said in a mocking tone. He held the knife out to me for me to take it. I walked over to grab it and hadn’t noticed that the person standing up against the board was Calum.

I walked to where Four was throwing from. I took the knife in my hand, weighed the knife in my hand, I took a deep breath, smiled at a very nervous looking Calum, retracted and flicked the knife with my wrist. The knife went sailing end over end until it embedded in the board next to Calum’s stomach. I had gotten it so close to him that I had the tip of his t-shirt pinned in the board by the knife, purposely of course.

I turned to Eric with a very fake innocent looking face and just smiled at him. “I promise to listen next time Eric.” I said sweetly and Four dismissed us for a ten minute break before Eric killed me or all of us.

Words: 2162


One More Time, I Dare You ~ Eric StoryWhere stories live. Discover now