Chapter 6 ~Fight Like A Warrior

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Four slowly uncovered the list of names. I was going to be up against an Erudite transfer named Abigail. Jade was fighting Sarah who transferred from Abnegation. I looked further down the list and saw Calum fighting Ronald.

"The order you are listed on the board today, DOES NOT reflect your personal standings within initiation. We can not begin to rank you until you have fought at least once." Four said to us.

"After you will be ranked within the transfers and ranked with the Dauntless born. Your fights will also get harder for most of you since you will be fighting people around the same ability as you."

"Dauntless fight hard. We don't chicken out, we don't care if it's our best friend we are fighting, we fight as if this is it. Like this is our last chance. Fight hard, or just save us the time and effort, and leave now." Eric said to us in his oh so friendly voice.

I rolled my eyes at his threat. I already knew why I had to do. I didn't need him telling me so. He is just a big walking talking muscle. Nothing more, nothing less.

We were allowed to warm up before we fought. I stretched slightly and then practiced on the punching bag. All I had to do was get a few good hits in and I would be set.

"Ready for me to knock the stud right of your mouth Candor?!" Abigail seethed at me.

I glared at her but ignored what she said. She was only trying to get to me. I wouldn't let her empty words piss me off.

"After you lose, the only hope you will have of winning is sleeping with your instructor. Hmmmm Four or your little side kick Eric. You can do favors for him so he can keep your sorry ass around."

I lost it. How dare she. How dare she say those things to me!! I went to lunge but was held back by Calum. "Don't Nikki."

I struggled against him. All I needed was one good swing at her. Just one. "Save it for the fight Nikki. She's not worth getting punished by Four or Eric." Calum said to me calmly. I nodded at him twice as he let me go. I glared at her openly and walked away. I wanted blood and I wanted it now.

5 more minutes went by and then we were all called to the mat. I was ready.

"No rules except that you may not bite people. Other than that, good luck. Leave your shoes on. We want to see everything you can do in your first fight." Eric said to us half heartedly. He didn't give a shit about us.

I partially watched the fights taking place before me, but I was more concerned with my fight. I had everything to prove. I was going to show everyone that I wasn't to be messed with. That I wasn't someone you just fucked around with. I WAS to be taken seriously.

I heard my name being called and I smirked. I smirked an evil and murderous smirk cause I knew this bitch was going down.

"Begin." Was the last thing I heard Eric or Four (i don't even remember who) say.

I went into autopilot of what I have been taught before. I put my left arm up to block my face and punched her in the jaw with my right. Once, twice, three times and then I heard the all too familiar 'crack' of her nose breaking. I smirked as I saw the blood rushing out. She was desperately trying to cover

While she was distracted by the blood I started to throw my knee up into her side repeatedly. She started to crouch down to try desperately to cover herself. But I was not letting up. I wanted this girl to remember my name. I continued to throw my knee up into her until I saw my opportunity and swung a hard right hook into her jaw. She got disoriented by that and I swung again until she was on the floor. I smirked down at this girl. She was mine.


She bent down until she was at her level on the ground, she put my mouth by her ear and whispered something to her, then proceeded to stand up, smirk an evil horrendous smirk, and kick the girl HARD right in face. So hard she blacked out. She scoffed at the girl on the floor and walked off the mat.

This girl wasn't just smart or cocky or a smartass she was dangerous as hell.


I bent down to her side as she was laying on the floor. This girl was mine. I had finished her. I put my mouth by her ear and whispered to her the words she would never forget "Remember my name, bitch."

I stood straight up and smirked. After this, no one will fuck with me again. I pulled back my foot and kicked this girl HARD in the face. Now EVERYONE will see her face and remember I did that. She blacked out from the one kick and I scoffed at her. How weak is she to black out from one kick. Im done with this bitch. I walked off the mat and stood where I had previously to finish watching the other fights. 

One More Time, I Dare You ~ Eric Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن