Chapter 16

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3rd person pov
As soon as Dream and Phil touched the ground a wave of relif (Im so sorry about that it keeps autocorrecting to that and I have no idkwhy.) struck George, he ran over to Dream and bombarded Dream with questions.
Dream was too overwhelmed to awnser any of these so he just stood there, confused. Until Ghostbur pointed out that he couldn't talk.
"He can't?" Sapnap questioned.
"No, he tried earlier for me but it came out all weird, and it was definitely not normal." Ghostbur replyed locking eyes with Sapnap for a split second.
"Oh, why can't he? Was his throat damaged when he died?" George answered cringing at the word died, they were still sad about dreams death, like salt being continuesly being out into a wound.
"I'm not too shure, asking him won't help either." Ghostbur told them as Dream plopped down next to him paying full attention to the conversation that the others were having, but it just looked like he was sitting innocently hugging a potato rock and petting a fluffy blue sheep.
"Hey dream," Philza asked. "Would you mind speaking for us?"
Dream seemed to think about this for a minute.
"What would you like me to sat Philza?" (Bearing in mind he still sounds like wd gaster.)
George's heart seemed to shatter into a million peices at this. Never again would he hear dreams terrible pickup lines. Never again would he hear the comforting tone of voice whenever he was apologizeing or comforting him. He would never hear his voice again...
"What if," George pondered aloud."we could change his language. What if we could somehow find something to fix his voice or change it back to normal some how?"
Phil thought about this for a minute,
"How would we make this translator though?" He asked the brown haired male.
"I'm not too shure..." George answered.

Dreams Pov.
I wish I could speak like them, so they could understand me,
So you can flirt with the brown haired boy don't you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Who the on earth are you!?
Your mom 💅

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