Chapter 21

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~Timeskip brought to you by 💖Sun💖 ( You know who you are.)~
Fundys pov
Its been at least an hour since we got up, we have had breakfast and get changed an all of that, it was atchually a really nice day outside. The sun was shining, there were cotton candy clouds, the birds were singing and the flowers were blooming (On days like this kids like you should be burning in hell. 😂)

But if course, Philza had brought tension into the room. I am currently cuddling George and Dream in the couch, Dad was sort of piling on as well. Sapnap just looked lonley, but j didn't want to invite him into the cuddle since I didn't know him well. ANYWAY. Phil had asked Dream what he remembered and Dream had instantly tensed up at the mention of his past life.

We were practically drowning in the silence.

Dreams Pov
It was quiet. Too quiet. I don't like the silence it reminds me of the small box. Should I speak up?
Why not?
Because you will just make it worse.
I won't, I'll answer Mr Phils question!
And how will you do that?
With your voice scuffed up thanks to me, there's no way you can tell them anyway.
Fundy can understand me!
He can-
Of course he can Nightmare did you now do your flipping research?!
Oh... :(
I work with idiots...
Dream, your tired right?
No...? I just woke up I'm sorry I can go to sleep of you want me to though if it will make you feel better.
Omg he's a bean-
But yes that would be nice dream. If you could just got to sleep...

3rd person pov
Dream bolted upright causing Ghostbur to fall off of the pile with a pound "Thud"
Dream looked around, as I'd he was scanning the room for something, like he had lost his car keys and was going to be late for an important meeting.
"Woah. Dream, calm down." Sapnap tried to reason with the ghost.
Dream only gave him a judgemental glare.

He got up, and walked over to Sapnap. Taking in all of his features, again not saying a word. Once he was satisfied, he walked over to Phil and did the same. Nobody asked what he was doing though, they were all too confused.

Then, once dream had inspected Phil, Sapnap, George and Fundy he was about to inspect Ghostbur when he fell to the floor with a grand, "Thump"

"The *Language* was that?" Sapnap asked the other confused men. (The first time George hasn't been referred to as boy- congrats Gogs)

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