"whhaaatttt?" taeyong dragged as he walked in the room. "be with me, i'm lonely." shotaro told.
"finnee.." taeyong sighed before sitting next to the taller.

"thank you, you're the best hyung" he smiled, hugging the older.
taeyong sat crosslegged and moved back a little on the bed, "you really like attention."
"mhm, so what?" shotaro asked, moving over to taeyong, hugging him tightly.

the older rolled his eyes, he patted the smaller's head, "i hate you."
"again?" the taller asked. "what?" taeyong asked.
"pat my head again idoit." he told again.

taeyong smiled and patted his head again, "better?"
shotaro wrapped his arms around taeyong waist and rested his head on his chest."yep." he smiled, looking up at the smaller.

taeyong just played with the latter's silver hair, making small plaits and curling the soft strands around his finger.

"wow, you have a small waist." shotaro complemented the older. "uh.. thanks?" taeyong laughed silently.

shotaro put his hand under taeyong's shirt and ran a finger along his waistline.
taeyong laughed at the feeling, "stop!"
"oh you're ticklish!" shotaro grinned evilly.

shotaro begain to tickle the older, making him fall back onto the bed in laughter. "s-sho- s-stop.." he said between laughs.

shotaro sat on top of him to stop him from moving, "no! you aren't escaping!" taeyong sat up and gripped shotaro's wrist. "enough." he laughed.

"nuu!" shotaro said, moving his wrist in the smaller grip. "no taro, stop please" taeyong whined, jumping off the bed and running out the room.

"tytrack!" he got up and ran after him. he got out his door and felt into someone, falling on top of them, what looked like orange juice spilled all over the two.

"chenle?" shotaro questioned as he got off of the male, lending a hand to the shorter.
chenle smiled sheepishly, "sorry, my bad."
"why are you here?" he asked, now was the time when could ask without looking sus.

"oh, i'm partners with channie for science." he smiled. the taller scowled, "you have nicknames?"
"i'm mean, yeah? that's what friends do, is it not?" chenle said, cheeks red.

"oh..." shotaro took note of chenle's face, "you like him, don't you?" chenle blushed bright red, "w-what?! where did you g-get that n-nonsense from?"

"chenle, i'm not stupid, tell me." he crossed his arms.
chenle nodded meekly before looking at the floor.
"well maybe you don't, i mean it's only the first day of you knowing him, you'll probably get over him."

"no, you don't get it taro!" chenle said, "i know it's more than a crush already, his smile, his laugh, his eyes, his everything just makes me wanna melt, when we make eye contact or when he accidentally touch each other, it makes my cheeks flush and my heart race, it makes my insides go all mushy, it literally makes me a blushing blob of bones and organs.." chenle said, his blush redder than blood.

"o-oh..." shotaro mimbled, unfolding his arms, why did he feel hurt? annoyed? betrayed? and most of all, did he like sungchan too? he felt all the same things chenle did, does that mean he's crushing on the same person chenle is?

but then again, who wouldn't? he was literal perfection, from head to toe.

chenle waved a hand in shotaro's face, "hey! i asked you something!" his now annoying voice said.
the taller scoffed before walking into his room, closing his door in chenle's face.

"now i have to change.." he grumbled.
since he didn't want to get dressed up again, he quickly took of his clothes and cleaned himself up before putting on a very oversized shark onesie, because it was cold and he didn't wanna dress up, it was perfect.

shotaro huffed, the very thought of chenle now annoyed him. and to think that he wanted to be friends with him in the first place. but then, chenle hadn't actually done anything wrong, well apart from crushing on his... friend.

he felt his stomach grumble, that's when he realised he hadn't eating anything at all today. so, he got out of his room and walked into the kitchen, walking past a crying chenle in the lounge room.

"what's he crying about? not like i have a crush on his friend." he grumbled in his native tongue.
he stood on his tippy toes and reached up to the top cupboard, where the chips were held.

he grabbed the chips and tuned around, faced with an annoyed taeyong. "why'd you make the poor kid cry?"

"what do you mean? what'd i even do?!" he hissed back harshly, gripping his chips.
taeyong scoffed, "right. not like you were a total dick before."

"what-" taeyong grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the lounge room, facing the crying chenle...

...who was currently cuddled up against the brunette, just what he needed to see.

"say sorry!" taeyong told.
"for what?" shotaro asked, glaring at chenle.
chenle saw the way sungchan gawked at the silver haired in his onesie, looking all too cute, and it annoyed him.

"y-you know..." chenle mumbled, "when y-you yelled at me... an-and called me a w-whore because i spilled orange juice on y-you. when y-you ran into m-me."

chenle began to cry again, the disappointed stares on both taeyong and sungchan's faces made him want to cry.

"b-but i-"
"shotaro. say sorry." taeyong told again.
the mentioned male's eyes built up with tears, that soon rolled down his chubby cheeks.
he didn't say anything before walk off, slamming his door harshly as he slid down the back of it.

the hurtful and mean gazes all three of the boys gave broke him, he hated people disliking, hating or being disappointed in him.

he realised he still had the chips in his hand, but he didn't feel hungry anymore, so he threw them on the bedside table and flopped onto his bed, cuddling up to mr chuie, once again, alone.




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