Ch.8 Babysitters?

Start from the beginning

Grinning I say, "I do like to sleep." Like its not the most obvious thing in the universe.

Everyone who knows me has come to understand that I get about 8 -10 hours of sleep each night. Sometimes more depending on how I feel.

I know it's a lot of sleep but I get very tired and cranky if I don't sleep a lot. It must be the after effects of being born human. At least that's what I say.

Not wanting to make Garrett think that I don't want to spend time with them I quickly add, "Well I would like to sleep but that doesn't mean I would rather sleep than be with my friends. I just wish my mom wouldn't always feel the need to have someone always with me. I am not that weak." I huffed and sat onto the foot stool next to Garrett clearly sulking.

Garrett laughed at my pouting. Then I felt a huge warm hand ruffling up my long blond hair.

"Hey!" I said as I swatted his hand away.

I glared at him in playful annoyance before running my fingers through my hair to untangle the newly made knots grumbling. This action only made Garret laugh even harder in amusement at my struggles to fix my hair.

Giving up on the knots in my hair, I kept on scanning the racks until finally finding the perfect movie to watch.

Jumping up, I quickly grabbed the movie and waved it in the air saying, "Spider-man far from home, oh yeah!"

Garrett only amusingly looked at me as I waved the movie in his face and then popped the CD into the DVD player before anyone could say no. It's a real fear when you're used to your brothers choosing a different movie.

That has happened a lot because being the only girl. I get outnumbered by my brothers and their friends.

It gets really annoying when I have to watch their type movies. Most of the time I go upstairs and lock myself in my room watching Netflix on my computer with headphones in.

However, that's not going to happen this time because I will finally get to watch a movie of my choice. I haven't seen this movie since I bought it.

Finn walked in just in time carrying a bag of popcorn and bowls to see 'Spider-man far from home' being displayed on the screen with the background music playing. Finn's voice, clearly filled with disappointment declared, "Awww Cress, I thought we could watch a horror movie this time!"

"Uhahah, not this time. You guys always watch those movies and you know I can't watch them. The last time you made me watch the movie IT, I had nightmares for a week!" I exclaimed with my hands on my hips.

"Come on Cress, we only got to watch half of it before you ran upstairs screaming like you had your head chopped off. Which, led to your mom coming down the stairs thinking you were being killed. Luna punished us saying we couldn't watch it anymore." Finn whined.

Garrett just watched in amusement as the two teenagers started to go at it. No one in the argument looked one bit intimidating.

With Finn wearing his SpongeBob pj's waving around a bag of popcorn and bowls while Cress tried to look intimidating. The argument couldn't have been seen as any more than two kids fighting over who got the last scoop of ice cream.

"Well sorry that I have nightmares. It's not my fault that the creepy clown jumped out of nowhere and now I have a fear of clowns. You ruined my childhood!" I exclaimed, pointing at him with a half serious glare.

Finn was about to open his mouth to argue but Garrett beat him to it saying, "No need to get all worked up about it. We will watch the Spider-man movie this time since it's Cress's choice tonight." Garrett said starting to get annoyed with all the yelling knowing that it wouldn't get them anywhere.

I stuck out my tongue in a childish way at Finn before smiling knowing that I won this time. All thanks to Garrett's help. If it did come down to watching a horror movie, I would rather clean the training room. Well maybe if I wore a hazmat suit. Haha.

As quick as my short legs could carry me, I ran and jumped onto the soft love seat and laid down covering the whole couch with my body splayed out. The couch is a warm brown color and very soft. I usually end up in a chair but this time I got the good couch.

Looking over at Finn and Garrett I saw their dejected faces as they had to sit on the other couch. The other couch has many stains on it from food and drinks being spilt on it.

However, the love seat is my dad's couch. No food or drink was allowed so it is stain and smell free.

Laughing, I smugly smiled. This time I got the comfiest couch.

Garrett shook his head at my childish behavior as he pushed play on the remote. We watched the beginning of the movie in peaceful silence and passed around the popcorn.

Once everyone was intently watching the movie I felt the need to throw popcorn at the boys, especially Finn.

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