•Week Seven• (7)

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(Tw: Ryan, gore, Adam, angst, a little suicide mentioning. This is the Finale {can't wait to see what you do next} btw)

It was horrible, all of it clawing at my body with seething pain and agony, all of it crushing my heart into splintering pieces.

It hurt. It hurt so fucking much that my fingers couldn't even reach the knife to put me out of my misery, to get me away from Ryan.

I thought I'd do anything to make sure Ryan stayed with me, but now I realize I'll do anything to get away from him. He made me believe he died, he tricked me into bringing Jack here, he tricked me into being on his side.
That drove me insane, that made my mind burn with anger and hopelessness all at the same time. Ryan had turned me into something I never wanted to be, he turned me into a heartless monster.

And his gift to me?
A pile of carved out hearts, all of the purple muscles he had dug out of the corpse's chests. Stacked on top of each other, all struggling to beat with what little blood they had left. It made me sick, and I couldn't stop throwing up.

Ryan tried to help me, but I flinched away from him, scrambling to hide in the pile of bodies.
His expression fell, and he harshly grabbed me before I could get away. He pulled me back to the pile of blood-splattering organs, causing me to cry out when his blood stained nails pierced into my skin.

"Don't you love it?" He asked, his voice digging into my mind and making everything hurt worse. The throbbing and aching continued, drilling holes in what little sanity I had left. "Don't you love it?" He said again, his voice hinting at cruelty. Pure cruelty.

I sobbed, trying to get him away from me. But I couldn't.

I couldn't because he was my brother, I couldn't because I still love him. Why do I still love him? Why does my heart still beat like this?
I wish Ryan would just rip it out of my chest like he had done to all these other people, just so I can be free of it's shattering pain.

"These hearts pump with all the love I carry for you two! This is the equivalent of how much I care about you and Jack!" His voice sounded so achingly happy, like how a kid would tell their mom they drew a picture of the family.
That made more tears slide down my face, violent and burning, making it hard to see the blood and bodies anymore.

But the smell was still there, the rotting corpses were still there. Ryan was still there, waiting for me to tell him I was proud of him, waiting for me to tell him I liked his present.

He smiled, and it made me shiver with pure fear. Not because it was a cliche psycho killer smile, but because it was his smile. It was the smile I grew up seeing more times than I can count, it was the smile that had once made me happy. His happiness was genuine, and now I knew he wasn't crazy or insane, he was evil.

He picked my head up, using the sleeve of one of the victims to wipe the sides of my mouth. I shuddered, feeling more puke climbing its way up.

"Adam, it's okay. You don't have to be scared anymore."

That wasn't true, I had so many reasons to be scared now. I had too many reasons to be scared, way too many reasons. And they all centered around him.

He disgusts me, and it disgusts me that I still care about him.

My heart continued to pound against its cage, breaking all of my insides as it slowly shattered. Piece by piece, it fell apart, making everything I felt absolutely agonizing.

"I saw Jasper kill someone in that damn alleyway! What else was I supposed to do? Let him come after you two next?" He sighed, kneeling down so he could look me in the eyes.

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