•Week Five•

189 8 13

(K back to Adam's POV bc Jack's busy dying again 🙄)

When I finally made it back to the hospital, I immediately knew something was wrong. Doctors had already found the body in room 100, and what was even worse was the fact that room 330 was empty.

I frantically searched for Jack and Ryan, calling out to them in every hallway, room, and medical space.

They were nowhere.


I cried out in frustration, I couldn't lose them again. They had to be somewhere, they couldn't be gone.

It was all my fault. If I was just faster or had kept them in better protection. Of course I couldn't trust Alba with them. I called her while checking the same rooms over and over again, and she told me she wasn't with them.

She promised me....... I guess that's what I get for using her, huh?

My legs were tired and sore from desperately trying to find them. Now that I think about it, I hadn't come across anyone in the hospital. Everyone was gone, what the hell happened? The police must be trying to clear people so they can investigate, but still, what about all the patients? Did they get moved?

Maybe....... Maybe they just moved Jack somewhere safer. Ryan's probably still with him, and they're both perfectly safe.

I let out a breath, trying to even out my heart beat. I got so worked up about nothing. They were fine, just in a different place.

As quickly as it left, my dread came back all at once. I couldn't trust Jack and Ryan with anyone. The Doctors were just as much of a bastard as Jasper was. Who knew what kind of things they were doing to Ryan and Jack?

My worries were immediately confirmed when the silence of the empty hospital came to a halt as an agonizing scream ripped through the building. Normally, in this situation, nurses and staff would rush to the sound, but since there was a killer loose it was every man for himself.

The cry lasted for so long and was so pained it made my heart hurt.

I rushed through hallways and doors, trying to find where it was coming from. I was fairly certain it was Ryan, but I couldn't be sure. Even though it was so loud and ear-splitting, it sounded muffled, like it was coming from underneath me.

I was scared out of my mind, worried about Ryan. What were the doctors doing to them?

Doctors are the good guys, what am I thinking?

No, no, no.... No one was a good guy anymore. They were all guilty, and now I had the ability to give them what they deserved.

The knife felt like an escape for me. Both freedom and a terrible addiction, it felt beautiful and demonic in my hands. I was only doing what needed to be done.

This hospital didn't have a downstairs that I knew of, so how was his screams coming from under the floor? Where did they take him?

I kneeled down, putting my ear to the ground. I heard the shuffle of feet, a sob, and then some more movements.
It sounded like a body was being moved, and the sound of it being dragged across the floor down there made my heart sink.

I suddenly pulled away when Ryan screamed again, shocking my hearing.

How the hell was I supposed to get to him? He must be in so much pain. I didn't like that, he deserved to be happy and content, they both did. As for me....... Well, I was going to hell for  killing those men. I had already shed someone else's blood, why did it matter if I killed more? That all seemed so unconcerning to me now. I didn't care where I was going, as long as they were somewhere better.

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