•Week Three• (5)

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I crashed through the door, out of breath and frantic. I hoped I made it in time, I prayed I made it in time. I didn't want another innocent to die.

Crowds of nicely dressed people turned and all eyes were suddenly on me.

I instantly felt self-conscious being stared at, but I pushed my embarrassment aside and walked down the aisle.

My legs were shaky, but I still continued walking towards Jason who was currently holding his soon-to-be husband's hands. They both looked shocked and the priest still had his mouth open, his words dying on his tongue.

"Jason," I breathed, finally reaching them.

He furrowed his brows in confusion. "Do I know you?"

His soon-to-be husband looked me up and down before turning back to Jason. "Jay?" He whispered. "Who is this?"

I sighed. "You don't know me, but please listen. Something bad is going to happen and-"

Jason let go of his partner's hands, obviously even more confused.
"What?" He asked, interrupting my last sentence.

"Please, just-" I didn't know how to explain. I didn't even know what was going to happen exactly, I just knew it was going to be bad.
"I really need to talk to you."

Jason gave me a nervous smile. "Um, okay? But can it wait until after I'm married to Levi?"

I looked between him and Levi and smiled a little. "Yeah, I'm so sorry for interrupting.... Please carry on."


"You may now kiss the groom," the priest announced, and Jason and Levi instantly embraced each other.

My heart swelled. They were now married and they looked exhilarated, so in love and happy. Ready to start a life with each other.

I needed to make sure that happened. I absolutely had to. Jason deserved to have a life.

After the couple had hugged their loved ones and talked with the priest, Jason finally made his way over to me.

"So, who are you?" He said, sitting down next to me on one of the wooden benches.

"I'm uh- Brett," I said. "But that's not important, what's important is that you are in danger."

His eyes widened. "What?"

"There's a killer on the loose and I have reason to believe they're coming after you next."

He blinked a few times in utter disbelief. "What is your reasoning?"

I sighed a little and lowered my voice. "Well, I found this list.... And I think it might be the Killer's list...."

Jason paled. "Seven crows...."

It was my turn to be shocked. "How did you know that?"

Jason got up, starting to walk to the far corner of the room. "Follow me, we can't have anyone else hear this."

I nervously walked to the far corner with him, and he immediately began to speak in hushed tones.

"It's Jasper."

I knew it! I mean......

"Jasper?" I asked, trying to pretend I didn't know who he was.

Jason looked around nervously, his voice lowering farther. "He runs a gang. Called the Seven Crows.... I'm not proud of it, but I was in it. Jasper keeps a list of his members that are trying to get away."

Jason ran a hand through his hair, and then began to play with his wedding ring.

"I thought I got away....." He grabbed my shoulders, obviously scared. "Please, tell me who's on the list!"

"Well- Annie and- and-"

"Oh my god- did Jasper get to Annie?!"

"Yes but I-"

Jason now looked solemn. "That son of a bitch... Who else is on there?!"

I pulled out my phone, and Jason pulled his hands away. I tapped on my photos and pulled up the list.

"Samuel, Nova, Kyle-" I quickly read through them, and the farther I went down the list, the paler Jason became.

"This isn't a target list for those trying to leave Seven Crows, I don't even understand what it is...." He muttered. "Annie and I were the only ones trying to leave. Nova would never, she's always been incredibly loyal to Jasper."

Nova..... I realized why the name sounded so familiar.

Wait, was Jasper using his members to kill ex members? Or was he using everyone to kill each other in some sick game of his?

Why was Ryan on the list if it was a list of Seven Crows members?

"Do you know someone named Ryan Metzger?" I asked, not sure how I'd take the answer.

Jason paused, slowly shaking his head. "No...... But the name seems familiar." He thought about it, and after several minutes, his answer came. "Actually, I do know him. I mean, I've heard Jasper talk about him. Apparently this Ryan dude saw Jasper taking care of a problem, and got away."

I pieced together what Jason said. The "problem" must've been the guy Ryan saw get stabbed ten times.....

Which means the killer was Jasper. Ryan was right, and since Ryan was telling the truth and right, that means Jasper must still be in jail. So...... The killer must be one of his loyal followers....


My hands began to shake. I left Jack and Ryan with a murderer. I completely abandoned them.

I felt a nervous breakdown coming on  and tears began welling up in my eyes. God, what have I done? I'm such an idiot.

Jason put a hand on my shoulder. "Brett? Look at me, okay?"

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't stop shaking. Jack and Ryan were in trouble. Neither of them were in a good enough place to defend themselves.

"Breathe," Jason said, trying his best to calm me down. Levi came up a few moments later, carrying two glasses of water. He handed one to Jason, but after seeing the state I was in, gave the other one to me.

Levi smiled nervously at me. "Are you okay?"

The glass shook rapidly, and using my other hand, I wiped away my tears.

"Jason? Be careful. Now that you know about the list...... Just, please be safe."

Jason nodded, and Levi looked worried. They enlaced their hands together, and that let me know that Jason would be safe. Levi would protect him, I knew that.

I quickly handed the drink to Levi and left the corner of the room. They both looked confused, but I couldn't explain. I had to get back to the hospital.

Nova was there, and she was most likely doing the worse to them right now. She's psychotic.

I ran down the street, through a small park, and almost got hit by several cars.

I was in so much of a hurry I didn't bother to watch out for people walking.
I ran as fast as I could, my eyes blurry with tears. I couldn't lose them. Not like this, never like this.

They were in so much danger, and to think, a few weeks ago we were happily playing Mario kart with each other. What changed?

Jasper..... I hated him, I hated him, I hated him, I hated him, I hated him, I hated him, I hated him, I hated him, I hated him, I hated him, I hated him-

If Nova hurts Jack and Ryan in any way, I swear to fucking God I'll-

My thought was cut off by the sound of police sirens, and my heart dropped. I turned another corner and was met with dozens of police cars all jammed in front of the hospital.


Why were the police here?
The answer came almost instantly, and it made me sick.

Nova had gotten to them.

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