•Week Six• (7)

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(I feel like I need to apologize more for writing this story, so I'm so so so so so so sorry fhsjdhhsjs

Anyway, lotta angst, as usual)

Jack knelt down beside me, both of us ignoring the blood that was staining our clothes. He was hurting so much, too, and I immediately brought him into a tight hug, sobbing uncontrollably.
Jack was all I had now, we were all alone.

He was trembling so much, crying until his face was flushed and his eyes were puffy.

I held onto him, knowing that if I let go, I'd probably lose him, too. I can't lose him, he's all the happiness I have left.

He's the only thing you have left.

I reminded myself, my ears buzzing.

For a second I thought I had actually said that outloud, but I didn't. I couldn't. My throat was completely dry and my lips were frozen in a look of despair. I couldn't talk even if I wanted to. I could barely even move at all.

And so we sat there, crying until we physically couldn't, holding each other until it hurt, trying to stay with Ryan until we couldn't. Time seemed to pass slowly and it made me feel like I could go back to when Ryan was still here, back to when Jasper came here and attacked him, just so I could maybe protect him. Just so that maybe I could keep him with me, forever.

I just wanted to be there for him, I wanted to make him happy. I pinky promised myself I'd keep him happy.
I felt like my whole world had shattered now that I realized I had broken the most important promise of my life.

"I found this note," Jack said, interrupting everything and pulling away so he could give it to me. At first, I didn't want to read it, but then a small part of me told me that I had to. I had to because I was still holding onto hope that there was still a slim chance that all this blood and flesh isn't Ryan. I was still holding onto the belief that Ryan wasn't dead, he can't be dead. And maybe this note would help me find him. Maybe Jasper had left the note behind to tell us something, to tell me something.

I grabbed it from Jack's hands, shivering in the cold now that he wasn't hugging me anymore. Everything felt cold and numb, my insides were freezing over and there was nothing I could do about it. I felt alone, and the feeling was harsh and aching.
I struggled to see the smudged words through blurry tears, shaking until my arms and chest hurt.

Jack immediately embraced me in a hug again, hoping that would make things easier for me, and also because he needed emotional support himself. We both needed support, but we only had each other now.
That did help, though, and it only took me a few seconds to read the cruel message.

"We took your brother's heart with us, but if you care to have it back, join us at the Crows nest. Seven is dying to see you again."

The last letters were more scribbled and squiggly, almost like they were giggling at their own pun.

That made my blood boil, and as I reread the note over and over again, eventually all I could feel was seething anger. I dropped the note, watching the ocean of blood envelope it in a thick, crimson mess.

I paused, watching all the blood. Feeling it destroy the paper, staring as it beautifully drowned out everything that was hurting me. Before I could take my eyes away, that part of me took over.
I needed the butcher knife.

I pushed Jack away a little too harshly, earning a shocked and hurt look from him. He'd get over it, he didn't need comfort or affection right now, he needs revenge. I'm going to give him that.

I got up and left the room, leaving everything that was left of Ryan behind. Jack was still shocked by my sudden outburst of anger, but he still quietly followed me to the kitchen. I opened the drawer, pulling out the same butcher knife I had used before.

Jack's eyes widened and he took a step away from me. "What are you doing?"

I sighed, raising the knife higher so I could look at it. Jack was scared, he was scared of me. Why? Did he understand everything I've done now? Was the murderous look in my eyes enough to tell him that I'm not who he thinks I am? I'm not who he once cared for. Not anymore.

I was afraid of them finding out the truth, but now? Now all I could feel was burning rage, I didn't care if Jack was horrified or disgusted by me, I didn't care if he knew what I did.

Instead of answering him, I roughly grabbed his wrist, dragging him out of the apartment. I couldn't risk leaving him alone.
He struggled against my grip, crying because he was terrified of me now.

I didn't want him to be scared anymore, and the only way to do that was to murder Jasper. I had to bludgeon Jasper to death so I could show Jack everything was okay, he didn't have to be in pain anymore.

I self-consciously dug my nails into his arm, tightening my grip on him with every passing second, every passing car, every passing victim. I knew it hurt him because he would cry out and scream at me to let go, but I needed to make sure he didn't try to run from me. I couldn't let him leave me, ever.
I broke through the skin on his arm, drawing blood and creating a nasty bruise.

"Adam, stop!" He cried, trying to fight against me. "You're hurting me! Stop it, please!"

I abruptly came to halt in the middle of the park I had murdered someone in a few days ago...... Haha, memories.

Jack's eyes were big and bloodshot, his arm scratched by me pulling on him. "S-stop I-"

"Stop what? Don't you want this?"

His arms were pale and fragile, and he was shaking so much I thought he'd collapse.

"No- no I-I-"


Another annoying, painful sob escaped him.

"What?!" I said louder, making him flinch and try to hide himself from me.

"What do you want?"

"I WANT MY BROTHER BACK! I WANT YOU BACK!" he managed to scream at me through waves of tears. He began to crumple to the ground, his legs too weak to support himself anymore. He was too weak to understand what I was doing.

I was doing this all for him, I became this for him. I killed three people because I knew it would make him feel happier, but he's still holding onto who I used to be? Why? Why is he such a pathetic, fucking idiot?

I let go of him, shoving him to the ground. He cried out in pain which only fueled my anger.

"You're not getting him back," I seethed. "Don't you understand? He's gone."

Jack only whimpered in response, obviously more scared of me now.

I didn't care. I was still going to do this for him because I knew he'd feel better after it.

"S-stop hurting everyo-one," he begged, still trying to hide himself from me. He was afraid I'd hurt him again. I wouldn't, I loved him too much to cause him anymore pain. I regretted harming him, I'm just so angry.

"I'm not hurting everyone."

"Yes, you are!" He said, his emotions changing in a heartbeat. He was angry, too now, he was hurt and angry and confused. All because of me.

It was all my fault.

Instead of answering him, I grabbed his wrist again and started to walk to the hospital. I was pretty sure the "nest" that was mentioned in the note was the secret room in the hospital.

Jack didn't want to be near me anymore. He clawed and screamed at me to let him go.

But I didn't. I couldn't let him go.

|Eight|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ