grieve for me ~ Age 15

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AN: I said I was gonna update every day, but I didn't yesterday. I am not worthy of the title 'Speedrun Master', but I shall make it up to you all! This chapter will be a bit longer! Also...sensitive themes up ahead, if you're not comfortable with DUBIOUS CONSENT, don't read...please.

"I love you," Kakashi uttered with glossy eyes, with silver streaks in the darkness of them, "I love you..." he repeated, but Aizen wasn't needed to be told twice.

"It'll pass," he replied, lips grazing against Kakashi's sweat-layered jaw, " all things do." The other boy turned his head to the side, leaving his neck wide open and Aizen used the opportunity to bite into it.

A sound, between a cry and a gasp left Kakashi, and he tensed up, curling around Aizen even further, but he did not try to move away. He didn't fight back no matter what Aizen did, no matter in which way he hurt him, no matter which harsh words he told him.

"It won't..." Kakashi whispered and his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. And, as Aizen bit into his pale skin once again, Kakashi's reaction came in the form of his legs tightening around his middle and a breathy sigh leaving his already parted lips.

He sounded so sure of himself, so confident in his words that it almost made Aizen laugh. Here he was, beneath him, under him, looking like that, yet he wouldn't stop.

Pulling away, Aizen stared down at him, at his painfully twisted expression. "Your love will die out just as mine did." Gently, he dragged his thumb down the side of Kakashi's neck, over the throbbing bite mark he left behind.

"Your love didn't die out..." Came the reply.

It didn't?

"Then why were you crying?" Aizen asked, trailing his eyes over the dried tear stains on Kakashi's cheek, "Weren't you grieving the death of it?"

The boy shook his head, eyes briefly clenching shut. "I grieved for you."

He grieved for him? This time, Aizen did laugh. It bubbled from deep within him, and made its way past his lips. And Kakashi watched him, with fresh tears ready to stain his pale, pale skin even more. Ruin it. Taint it. Litter it.

"Then I shall let you grieve some more." And, as he leaned back down, he watched as Kakashi's eyes clenched shut.


It wasn't even dawn when Aizen woke up. The room was dim, but it was lit up enough for him to make out the details of it. His hand sank into the bed as he pushed himself up into a sitting position, and the covers slid off his chest, leaving him bare.

A light breath came from the side.

Aizen stared at the wall in front of him for a few seconds, before he glanced at Kakashi. He was lying there, with his cheek pressed into the pillow. Aizen couldn't fully see his face, but he was sure that the tear stains were still there, yet, in the dim light, Kakashi looked like nothing happened. He was just...there, sleeping, breathing, and his body heat was resonating with Aizen's own.

Just as it did mere hours ago.

He wondered what the younger Aizen would think of this, the one back at the hospital room when they watched the fireworks. The one that was so, so dense he didn't understand his own feelings at that time. The way his chest ached when the colours lit up Kakashi's features, or the way they made the silvers of his eyes stand out much, much more.

Would he be able to comprehend the current Aizen? Not that it mattered now. That Aizen was in the past, and the past cannot be revisited, nor changed.

𝑯𝑨𝑳𝑪𝒀𝑶𝑵 𝑶𝑩𝑳𝑰𝑽𝑰𝑶𝑵 •𝒃𝒙𝒃•Where stories live. Discover now