A Lucky Man (Husband Levi x Wife Reader)

Start from the beginning

"So...even though she's the captain's wife, you still...ogle her?" Zeke asked tentatively, trying to wrap his head around the image of her and Levi together.

"What? Oh, no! No one is that stupid!" Valis assured him. The soldier blushed as he added, "Personally, I'm here for Emilia. And Hans, he likes Giselle. I'm also pretty sure that Finn has a thing for Lina. There are a few others, too."

"Huh," Zeke mused as he returned his attention to the dancers. It wasn't like they were doing anything overly seductive, but even so...they were mesmerizing. Clearly, (f/n)'s years of training had paid off.

"Well, I'll give him this," Zeke uttered, still in a state of shock. "Captain Levi is a lucky man."

"What's that, Beardy?"

Zeke nearly jumped out of his seat. He quickly turned around, only to be met with a glare that he, unfortunately, knew all too well.

"Ah, Levi," Zeke chimed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

Of course, Levi had probably been nearby the entire time, enjoying the show as well. Who wouldn't want to watch their wife dance like that? Then again...Zeke had a hard time picturing the stone-faced captain as someone who experienced those types of feelings.

"Tch," Levi hissed. "Don't stare at my wife, you stupid monkey."

"Oh, n-no! It's not like that!" Zeke stammered, holding up his hands in a placating gesture. "I didn't mean any harm. I...well, I only meant that your wife is very beautiful."

Those piercing eyes narrowed. "Don't talk about (f/n) that way," Levi snapped.

Zeke blinked in surprise. For a moment, he was too stunned to say anything. Did the captain hate him so much that he wasn't even allowed to compliment his wife?

The titan shifter opened his mouth to ask, but before he could, a female voice rang out indignantly from behind him...

"Yeah, don't talk about me that way!"

Zeke whirled around, only to find the captain's wife just standing just a few meters away, hands on her hips, glaring at him with such utter loathing that she looked even scarier than Levi. Still beautiful, but...terrifying.

Suddenly, it seemed that the couple wasn't so opposite, after all.

"Ah...I'm sorry, miss," Zeke stammered hastily. "I meant no offense."

Despite his apology, her expression didn't change. Neither (f/n) nor Levi uttered a word, and Zeke glanced back and forth between them, at a loss for what to do. He was met with unwavering glares on both sides.

"Um...would the two of you mind...not glaring at me like that?" he asked nervously.

No response.

On second thought, Zeke mused, maybe they do fit well together.

Finally, the awkwardness was broken by one of the soldiers who had been dancing earlier. She ran over to (f/n) and chimed, "Hey, do you want some wine? It's the good stuff that they normally only give to the MP's!"

(F/n) removed her gaze from Zeke and replied flatly, "I'd prefer tea."

Yeah. They're definitely a matching set.

"But in any case, I can't stay," (f/n) continued. "If I don't leave soon, I'll be late."

"Then you'd better say what you came to say," Levi muttered, walking over to stand at her side.

She nodded. "We should probably go somewhere else, since I assume you don't want him to hear it."

Levi nodded, and with one last glare at Zeke, the couple left.

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