Oh, Why Not Just Invite Everyone?

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This bitch! What is she doing here?!

"I bought a present." She nervously held out a wrapped box with a ribbon on top along with a bouquet of flowers.

I glared and knocked them out of her hands.

"YN!" Everyone gasped.

Before it could hit the floor, they were snatched up.

"Oh, they're so pretty! Thank you Crystal, I'm sure YN and Gun love it." He smiled happily.

"Jordan? What are you doing here?!" I gasped.

"Hm? Oh, well Sebastian had gone to collect the mail so like a normal person, I snuck out, got on my private plane and came to see you!"


"Jordan yes!"

"Um, how exactly did you get in my house?" Gun asked bumping me up as I slipped down slowly.

"Hm? Oh! I crawled in the basement window! Hey, you got pretty strong doors! It took me all night to open it!"

We all stared at him and I bowed my head at his stupidity.

"Okay, I'ma go put these flowers in water!"

"Um, okay...the vases are, uh.."

"Oh, I know where they are! Thank you though!" Jordan chirped and disappeared behind the wall.

"Hmph!" I jumped off Gun and my socked feet tip tapped softly against the tile floor as I ran after my best friend.

"You can't just run from Sebby like that!"

"You seemed just as surprised to see me here as the others, did he not call you?"

"No he didn't. And you broke into Gun's house?! Are you insane?!"

"Well, I came because you were being an idiot and thinking Gun and DG liked each other."

"Oh, yeah he told me he didn't like him. He's actually kinda pissed that him and Goo are here."

"Goo is here?"

"Yup, but DG is leaving today. I don't know how long Goo will be with us though."

"How much longer are you going to be here?"

"Ten more days."

"Awww, I have to hide here for-"

"No, go back to Korea!"

"No! I go where you go!"

"No! Go back!"



"I refuse."

"Don't make me call the boys!"

"Do it, I dare you!"

"I'll call Cindy!"

"Alright, alright! But can I at least have breakfast first?"

"Go to some restaurant."

"Uh, YN, Jordan." We both turn to see Crystal.


Jordan covered my mouth.

"Yes Miss Choi?"

"Oh, it's just that we all decided to go eat at a restaurant for breakfast. Goo asked me to tell YN-"


Jordan covered my mouth again.

"You were saying miss Cho- ow, YN, YN no biting no BITing, FUCK!"

"Um, Goo asked me to ask YN to go get ready. We also want to know if you would like to join us for breakfast."

"Oh, I wouldn't want to bother! YN, go change."


"You would be no bother, please, we insist!"

Jordan glanced at me and I knew he was wondering if leaving me alone with Crystal was a good idea.

"Well, alright, I'll join. Thank you all!"

"It's our pleasure!" She smiled. Jordan smiled back at her, picked me up and threw me down the hall.

"Oof!" I grunted and managed to land on my feet. I blew a raspberry at Jordan and made my way up the stairs. I tossed on a white blouse and a black skirt. I pulled on some tights underneath and slipped on my combat boots. After fixing my hair, I opened the door.

"OW!" I shouted as a fist knocked my forehead. "Owie..." I held my head in pain.

"YN! I'm sorry! Are you okay?!" Gun grabbed my face and turned me to look at him.

"No...my head is cracked in to two..."

"I'm sorry! Do you want ice?"

"No, I want... hot chocolate." I leaned against him dramatically.

"We'll get you hot chocolate and pancakes once we're over there, okay?"

"Okay. Now carry me." I jumped on him and he sighed before heading downstairs.

When we got into the living room, Jordan was sitting on the couch next to Crystal and in front of DG. They were talking about something, but I was to busy glaring at Crystal to listen.

"Why were you in her room?" Goo asked walking over to the both of us.

"To see if she was ready."

Goo stared at Gun and then turned his attention towards me.

"Did this mother fucker touch you or see you naked?"

"Uhhhh, no?" I asked confused.

"What was the, uhhhh, for? He did, didn't he?! He just walked in like the pervert that he is and assaulted you, right?! Don't worry YN, I'll protect you from him!"

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"I'm going to kill him!"

"Goo you crazy asshole, back off!" I stuck my foot out and kept him away.

"Stop protecting this pervert, YN!"

"I'm not letting you kill Gun!"

"This is the Stockholm syndrome talking! Snap out of it!"

"I'm not being abused or held against my will!"

"That's what all victims of Stockholm syndrome say!"

"Will you stop it already?!"


"Some of us are hungry over here." DG said from the couch.

Goo snatched me from Gun's arms and tossed me over his shoulder.

"Ow, put me down!" I snapped and began to hit his butt.

"Alright, let's go."

"Ugh! Put. Me. DOWN!" I shouted and tried to push myself off as he carried me out the door.

"We should all car pool." Crystal said glancing at Jordan as she pulled on her coat. The melting snow softly crunching under us.

"I agree. Gun, Jordan, Crystal and DG, you guys go in one car, I'll take YN in my car. K bye!" He tossed me in the passenger seat, slid across the hood of the car and hopped into the driver's seat.

"You don't even know where we're going dumbass." I huffed and crossed my arms.

He pouted and poked his head out.

"We'll follow you!" He shouted before rolling up his window.

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window.

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