Chapter 12: Find The Golden Key

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Another day, another minigame for the Running Man contestants. All of the contestants assembled at the game stage, where the rules were explained - rules that Sabriye, once again, didn't bother to listen to. Until that was over, the game commenced after an exchange of words from the contestants, with Miyo saying, "We can't have dead weight holding any of us back," subtly referring to Lonky, Popo and Pala.

So far, the contestants were not able to find the balls that had the clues for the key's whereabouts as Sabriye watched their conflicts with the 'dead weight' from afar with a solemn expression. She'd admit, this was all too familiar to her. In the end, the contestants used Lonky and Popo to find the clues more easily, leaving them, and Pala, dejected by the sidelines. 

They started complained about the others not being the least bit thankful or apologetic. However, they stopped that thought when Sabriye approached them with the solemn expression still glued to her face, which puzzled them and made them wonder what she could possibly be upset about.

"Guys, I know you're upset about this, so... I'm sorry that this happened to you. And thanks for trying to help them find the clues. I'm saying this on their behalf." Sabriye cracked a sad smile before running off to find the keys, having known what the clues were. Lonky, Popo and Pala's eyes were as wide as dinner plates. Sabriye had thanked and apologised to them and it was on the others' behalf.

They didn't understand the reason behind it and it would only make sense why this is so. After all, Sabriye was full of surprises. Meanwhile, Sabriye, looking for the other contestants to lend a hand, stopped dead at her tracks when her ears perked at a certain conversation in a certain room. 

Immediately, turning invisible, she leaned against a wall and listened closely as she watched Miyo and Gai's interaction at the Mong Tribe's memorial. Her neutral expression reverted back to a solemn one as she noticed Gai's expression after Miyo left the room. Gai had a smile, but Sabriye could tell that it hid the guilt for having to hide his secret - a secret that Sabriye knew and Miyo had yet to find out.

It was exactly like the expression he had when the contestants had a late night party after Miyo and Liu's unpleasant trip to Charming Gold's tower and the reveal that Gai's so-called clones were actually his brothers. Sighing, she left the memorial without calling Gai out for his secret. Liu, Kuga, Miyo and Gai met up to assemble the two pieces of the key that they found.

After deciding to split up to search for the last piece, they left as planned. Several minutes later, Lonky came running into the room they met up at and said, in a seemingly desperate tone of voice, "Hey, guys! We're in trouble! We found the last piece, but they set up a trap. There were bots all over. Pala and Popo might be hurt." 

Taking his word for it, they ran to rescue Popo and Pala. The minute they left the room, Lonky walked towards the platform, where two pieces of the key were found, alongside Popo and Pala. Upon arrival, Lonky was about to place the last piece, when a strong wind pushed them back. 

Lonky, Popo and Pala looked at the source and was aghast to find that the source was none other than Sabriye, or rather, Flying, herself. The other contestants rushed to the scene, where Liu questioned, "What just happened?" It was clear that they had heard the commotion. 

Sabriye, walking down the steps and towards them, she fished out her phone and simply said, "See for yourself," and showed them the video she took, of the traitorous trio's act of betrayal, much to everyone else's shock. Liu, Kuga, Miyo and Gai, out of fury, raced towards Lonky, Popo and Pala and gave them a piece of their mind.

Leaving the traitorous trio behind in a disheveled heap and grabbing the final piece of the key, the piece was immediately handed to Sabriye. Apparently, Liu, Kuga, Miyo and Gai wanted her to do the honours. Sabriye's hand, which had the final piece in it, hovered over to the space that was left for that piece to occupy, but stopped halfway, much to their confusion.

Sabriye's neutral expression morphed into a solemn expression once again as she glanced at Lonky, Popo and Pala, who were staring at the group at the platform liked kicked puppies. Sabriye looked down her the piece in her hand and finally made her decision. She stuffed the piece into her jacket and ran over to Lonky, Popo and Pala, before the others could stop her.

She grabbed the trio's hands and started pulling them towards the platform with force. Once that was done, she finally placed the final piece into the vacant space and the key started spinning in circles. "The golden key has been completed. You may now climb aboard the alter stand on the pod. You have 60 seconds until pod departure."

The remaining contestants used those seconds to stare at Sabriye, who simply smiled, close to a smirk, and shrugged nonchalantly. Once the pod started departing until the spectators were visible in their line of sight. The contestants, except Sabriye, looked around numbly, still overwhelmed by Sabriye's actions before turning to the girl in question. 

"Why... Why did you do that?" Liu asked the burning question. Facing them with a soft smile, she replied, "You guys had always been fighting with one another, just for victory. More than I'd like to admit, I hate to see it, even though I should be used to it by now. When I became the winner of the superpower battle, I actually felt bad for stealing Kuga's chance of winning. I wanted to share that victory with you guys, especially since you also wanted to win."

Hearing that explanation left the others speechless, although they wanted to let all of their thoughts out. "Besides, didn't I just do everyone a favour?" Sabriye asked with a smirk. Soon enough, she was engulfed in hugs by Lonky, Popo and Pala, who cried tears of joy and thanked them profusely as the others cracked soft smiles at her.

Sabriye stiffened at first, but also cracked a smile before returning the gesture. The contestants ought to admit, Sabriye might be weird but in a good way. She had a bigger and kinder heart than any of them did.

A/N: Hey, guys. I'm back. Just so you know, I'm going to be pretty busy with studying for mid-year exams, so I won't be able to update all that often. Plus, my writer's block is acting up again. Anyways, thanks for reading this, hope you all like it, stay tuned for more updates and I'll see you in the next chapter. Bye.  👋🏼

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